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silvery ne demek?

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"silvery" için örnek kullanımlar

Past Oscar winner Jamie Foxx looked a bit out of place in his silvery grey suit.
Geçmiş Oscar ödüllü Jamie Foxx, onun gümüşi gri takım yer biraz dışarı baktı.
Kaynak: forbes.com
Colleen Atwood's elegant, silvery dresses and tunics shimmer in the shifting light.
Değişen ışık Colleen Atwood zarif, gümüş elbiseler ve tunikler ışıltı.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
Not that long ago I saw a former top model with her cheeks glowing like a silvery full moon.
Bir süre önce ben yanaklarından gümüşi bir dolunay gibi parlayan bir önceki üst modeli gördüm.
Kaynak: nzherald.co.nz
Sunlight glints off the long rows of glass greenhouses, turning them silvery blue and white.
Cam seraların uzun satırları kapalı ışığı pırıltısını, onlara gümüş mavi ve beyaz dönüm.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.ca
The silvery lutung (Trachypithecus cristatus), also known as the silvered leaf monkey or the silvery langur, is an Old World monkey .
Kaynak: Silvery lutung
The silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch) is a primate in the Hylobatidae or gibbon family. Its coat is bluish-grey in colour, with a dark
Kaynak: Silvery gibbon
The silvery marmoset (Mico argentatus) is a New World monkey that lives in the eastern Amazon Rainforest in Brazil . of the silvery
Kaynak: Silvery marmoset
The silvery flying fox (Pteropus argentatus), also known as Ambon flying fox, silvery flying fox, or silvery fruit bat, is a megabat in
Kaynak: Silvery flying fox
The silvery mole rat, silvery blesmol, or silky mole rat (Heliophobius argenteocinereus) is a species of mole rat that occurs in sandy
Kaynak: Silvery mole rat
The Rio Grande silvery minnow or Rio Grande minnow (Hybognathus amarus) is a small herbivorous North American fish. It is one of the seven
Kaynak: Rio Grande silvery minnow
The silvery woolly monkey (Lagothrix poeppigii), also known as Poeppig's woolly monkey, is a woolly monkey species from South America .
Kaynak: Silvery woolly monkey

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