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skunk ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

skunk anlamı
1) kokarca
2) aşağılık kimse
3) alçak herif
1) yenmek
2) mahvetmek

"skunk" için örnek kullanımlar

But the skunk cabbage gets a head start because it can make its own heat.
Kendi ısı yapabilirsiniz çünkü Ama Kokarca lahanası bir başlangıç ​​alır.
Kaynak: ottawacitizen.com
The skunk cabbage and fern were starting to have their spring awakening.
Kokarca lahanası ve eğrelti onların bahar uyanma başlamıştı.
Kaynak: dansvilleonline.com
Amy Mckeehan: Maybe the coyotes will take care of the skunk problem!
Amy Mckeehan: Belki çakallar kokarca sorunu ilgilenecek!
Kaynak: salem.patch.com
Skunks (also called polecat s in America) are mammal s known for their ability to spray a liquid with a strong, foul odor . species of skunk
Kaynak: Skunk
The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is an omnivorous mammal of the skunk family Mephitidae . Found over most of the North America n
Kaynak: Striped skunk
A pet skunk is a skunk kept by humans for companionship and enjoyment. pet skunks are relatively rare, partly due to restrictive laws and
Kaynak: Pet skunk
They believe skunk accounts for between 70 and 80% of samples seized by police (despite the fact that skunk can sometimes be incorrectly
Kaynak: Cannabis (drug)
Skunk: Skunk first appears in "Skunk's Non-Scents". He is initially upset that he cannot produce a skunk's foul odor. when skunks spray, he
Kaynak: List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters
Skunk refers to a subset of sativa -dominant Cannabis strains. It is popular for its skunk spray smell, hence the name skunk. Potency
Kaynak: Skunk (cannabis strain)
The eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius) is a small, relatively slender skunk found throughout the eastern United States and in
Kaynak: Eastern spotted skunk
The hooded skunk (Mephitis macroura) is a species of mammal in the family Mephitidae . Mephit in Latin means "foul odor" and macr in
Kaynak: Hooded skunk

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