Boris is around six times bigger than the
slaughter weight of the average pig.
Boris ortalama domuz kesim ağırlığı daha yaklaşık altı kat daha büyük.
Kaynak: unfortunately for the Asian carp, few seem to feel bad about the
Ve maalesef Asya sazan için birkaç katliam hakkında kötü hissediyorum görünüyor.
Kaynak: wfpl.orgTo say nothing of the welfare of the animals raised for
Kesim için yetiştirilen hayvanların refahı şey söylemek için.
Kaynak: montereyherald.comOnce the
slaughter ended, the elephants' faces were hacked off to remove the tusks.
Katliam sona erdikten sonra, filler yüzleri dişleri çıkarmak için kapalı hacklendi.
Kaynak: theprovince.comSlaughter may refer to. Animals : Animal
slaughter , killing animals for food. Ritual
slaughter , the practice of
slaughtering livestock for meat
Kaynak: Slaughter Horse
slaughter is the practice of
slaughtering horse s to produce meat for consumption. of raising horses for
slaughter for human
Kaynak: Horse slaughteralso transliterated shechitah, shehitah, shehita, is the ritual
slaughter of mammals and birds for food according to Jewish dietary
Kaynak: ShechitaRitual
slaughter is the practice of
slaughtering livestock for meat in the context of a ritual . Ritual
slaughter involves a prescribed
Kaynak: Ritual slaughterpdf) The major concentration of the industry occurs at the
slaughter and meat processing phase, with only four companies
slaughtering and
Kaynak: Factory farming