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sleep ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sleep anlamı
1) uyku
2) uyuma
3) ölüm
4) uyku hali
5) kış uykusu
1) uyumak
2) kalmak
3) uyuklamak
4) gecelemek
5) fırıl fırıl dönmek
6) yatacak yer sağlamak
7) çok hızlı dönmek

"sleep" için örnek kullanımlar

She has had painkillers, and I'm going to sleep in the barn with her.
O ağrı kesici vardı, ve ben onunla samanlıkta uyumaya gidiyorum.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
The teams combined for no runs and five hits and nearly lulled the crowd to sleep.
Ekipler çalışır ve beş isabet hayır için bir araya getirilmiş ve neredeyse uyku kalabalık lulled.
Kaynak: highschoolsports.nola.com
Sleep on the undercard if you will, but there's plenty of fighters worth watching.
İsterseniz maçına Sleep, ama izlemeye değer savaşçıların bol var.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
"Less than six hours' sleep can lead to more severe, frequent headaches," she said.
"Less than altı saatlik uyku daha ağır, sık sık başağrıları yol açabilir" dedi.
Kaynak: herald.ie
A computer program (process , task , or thread ) may sleep, which places it into an inactive state for a period of time. Eventually the
Kaynak: Sleep (system call)
Insomnia, or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired.
Kaynak: Insomnia
A sleep disorder, or somnipathy, is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person or animal. Some sleep disorders are serious
Kaynak: Sleep disorder
Non-rapid eye movement, or NREM, is, collectively, sleep stages 1–3, previously known as stages 1–4. Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) is
Kaynak: Non-rapid eye movement sleep
The French version, Psychopannychie – La nuit ou le sommeil de l'âme ("Psychopannychia – the night or the sleep of the soul", Geneva 1558
Kaynak: Christian mortalism
Yoga nidra or "yogi sleep" is a sleep-like state which yogi s report to experience during their meditations. The practice of yoga relaxation
Kaynak: Yoga-nidra
sleep is a Unix command line program that suspends program execution for a specified period of time. The sleep instruction suspends the
Kaynak: Sleep (Unix)
Somnology is the scientific study of sleep. It includes clinical study and treatment of sleep disorders and irregularities. Sleep
Kaynak: Somnology
nose or mouth during sleep (cf. mucopurulent discharge Rheum dries and gathers as a crust in the corners of the eyes or mouth, on the
Kaynak: Rheum

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