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sluggard ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sluggard anlamı
1) miskin
2) tembel
3) uykucu
1) miskin
2) tembel
3) uykucu

"sluggard" için örnek kullanımlar

The iPad Mini has an A5 chip, and while it's not the fastest chip around, it's no sluggard.
IPad Mini bir A5 çip var ve etrafında en hızlı çip değil iken, hiçbir miskin bulunuyor.
Kaynak: autoomobile.com
Not that it's a sluggard: it will do 100mph and will accelerate from rest to 62mph in 12.7 seconds.
Değil o bir miskin var: 100mph yapacak ve 12.7 saniye dinlenme 62mph hızlandıracaktır.
Kaynak: thegreencarwebsite.co.uk
Tebow would supposedly push Sanchez, or maybe just instill a work ethic in the sluggard starting QB.
Tebow sözde Sanchez itin, ya da belki sadece miskin başlayan QB bir iş ahlakı aşılamak olacaktır.
Kaynak: rantsports.com
Cars under the SRi run a basic rear suspension and are tuned for comfort, but in a way that transcends the old sluggard.
SRi altında arabalar temel bir arka süspansiyon çalıştırın ve konfor için, ama eski miskin aşan bir şekilde ayarlanmıştır.
Kaynak: carsguide.com.au
A sluggard waker was an 18th century job appointed to a parishioner (usually the parish clerk ), in British churches The sole task of
Kaynak: Sluggard waker
Rudolf III of Burgundy (called Rudolf der Faule in German , and Rodolphe le Fainéant in French , in both languages meaning "sluggard" or
Kaynak: Rudolph III of Burgundy
The title is from Proverbs , Chapter 6, verse 6: "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise". Plot: The story is mostly a
Kaynak: Consider Her Ways
By extension, the phrase has come to mean the ground or tenement of a sluggard, or of one who is easily taken advantage of. The essence of
Kaynak: Tom Tidler's Ground
desidiosissimum otium - a sluggard's free time, he that fears labor; a man careless to attend to his duty first. Modern scholars
Kaynak: Otium
"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise; which having no chief, overseer, or ruler, provideth her bread in the summer
Kaynak: William Gould (naturalist)
coming upon him like a robber The sluggard (lazy person) will share this fate with the talkative persons, with dreamers that ″watch the
Kaynak: Sloth (deadly sin)

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