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snaky ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

snaky anlamı
1) yılan gibi
2) hain
3) sinsi
4) yılanlı
5) yılanlarla dolu

"snaky" için örnek kullanımlar

The course here is really snaky and technical.
Tabii burada gerçekten sinsi ve teknik olduğunu.
Kaynak: thepacket.ca
Greig's snaky keyboard line is an integral part of the song's eerie vibe before setting up a wild solo by Gibbons.
Greig kullanıcısının yılanlı klavye hattı Gibbons tarafından vahşi bir yalnız kurmadan önce şarkının ürkütücü bir vibe ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır.
Kaynak: chron.com
The Mitla Pass (ممر متلة, מיתלה) is a 32 km-long snaky pass in the Sinai of Egypt , wedged between mountain ranges to the north and south
Kaynak: Mitla Pass
It is a tributary to the South Hangang River that covers an area of 60 km The Donggang River follows a snaky path splitting the chiseled
Kaynak: Dong River (South Korea)
Her tongue becomes forked and she holds a golden comb which she passes through her snaky hair. Notes: 2 See also : Mami Wata Papa Bois
Kaynak: Mama D'Leau
Embry presented "Show me something snaky" at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia Marriott Hotel
Kaynak: Charles R. Embry
bouquets of decorations and inscriptions of round shields, with bas-relief images of the heads of Medusa , with the Gorgon's snaky locks for hair.
Kaynak: First Engineer Bridge
Mandy too has set his eyes on Samir and uses sly snaky ways to lure him - be it moving his butt seductively in front of Samir or taking a
Kaynak: The Pink Mirror
Then Los arose his head he reard in snaky thunders clad:And with a cry that shook all nature to the utmost pole,: Call'd all his sons to
Kaynak: Europe a Prophecy
No other American guitarist was as skilled at creating the kind of sustain-heavy, snaky guitar lines pioneered by Jeff Beck in the
Kaynak: Randy Holden
Their hair was snaky and stringy, their faces broad and square, with flat noses, hideously slanted eyes, a thin gash for a mouth, and
Kaynak: The Children of the Night
"Nuwa" appears in her more snaky incarnation as a Han Commander unit in the game Arcane Legions . She is able to resurrect fallen Terra-
Kaynak: Chinese mythology in popular culture
Cilmi appears to be wearing an orange brassiere , overlaid with a black snaky design representative of cinematic film , aroused some interest.
Kaynak: Ten (Gabriella Cilmi album)
name, as Nonnos indicates, calling her Echidnaean Enyo, identifying her snaky legs with Echidna's", and "a female counterpart of his Typhon
Kaynak: Campe

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