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sociological ne demek?

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sociological anlamı
1) sosyolojik

"sociological" için örnek kullanımlar

This point is probably more of a thesis for a serious sociological study.
Bu noktada ciddi bir sosyolojik çalışma için bir tez muhtemelen daha fazladır.
Kaynak: itechpost.com
Another problem falls into the vague category of sociological phenomena.
Başka bir problem sosyolojik fenomenleri muğlak kategoriye girer.
Kaynak: readwrite.com
Some have theological objections, others sociological qualms, and others none at all.
Bazı teolojik itirazlar, diğerleri sosyolojik çekinmemek, ve tüm diğerleri hiçbiri var.
Kaynak: pal-item.com
Orlando refuses all constraints: historical, fantastical, metaphysical, sociological.
Orlando Tüm kısıtlamaları reddeder: tarihsel, fantastik, metafizik, sosyolojik.
Kaynak: newstatesman.com
The distinct field of social psychology emerged from the many intersections of sociological and psychological interests, and is further
Kaynak: Sociology
Much of the recent sociological debate on power revolves around the issue of the enabling nature of power. A comprehensive account of
Kaynak: Power (social and political)
Social psychology (sociology), known as sociological social psychology, and sometimes as psychological sociology, is an area of sociology
Kaynak: Social psychology (sociology)
The term sociological imagination was coined by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959 to describe the type of insight offered
Kaynak: Sociological imagination
Sociological Images is an award-winning blog that offers image-based sociological commentary and is one of the most widely read social
Kaynak: Sociological Images
The underlying reason for this difference is that English "face" lacks the sociological contrast between Chinese lian and mianzi.
Kaynak: Face (sociological concept)
The Sociological Research Association is an honor society of sociological scholars founded in 1936. With more than 400 members, the
Kaynak: Sociological Research Association

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