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sodium ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sodium anlamı
1) sodyum

"sodium" için örnek kullanımlar

But it is low in calories, has no fat, is cholesterol free and low in sodium.
Ama, düşük kalori hiçbir yağ var, kolesterol ücretsiz ve sodyum düşük.
Kaynak: news.hjnews.com
Molten sodium is highly corrosive and explodes on contact with water and oxygen.
Erimiş sodyum yüksek korozif, su ve oksijen ile temas patlar.
Kaynak: technologyreview.com
The good news is that baby foods tend to be lower in sodium.
İyi haber bebek mamaları sodyum düşük olma eğilimi olmasıdır.
Kaynak: thestir.cafemom.com
He was using sodium nitrate and glucose when the chemicals reacted and started a fire.
Kimyasal tepki ve yangın başladığında O sodyum nitrat ve glikoz kullanılarak yapıldı.
Kaynak: iradiophilly.com
Sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate is the chemical compound with the formula Na HCO sub 3/sub . Sodium bicarbonate is a
Kaynak: Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda or soda ash), Na 2 CO 3 is a sodium salt of carbonic acid . It most commonly occurs as a
Kaynak: Sodium carbonate
Sodium channels are integral membrane protein s that form ion channels , conducting sodium ions (Na sup+/sup ) through a cell's plasma
Kaynak: Sodium channel
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS or NaDS), sodium laurilsulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is an organic compound with the formula CH 3(CH
Kaynak: Sodium dodecyl sulfate
A sodium-vapor lamp is a gas-discharge lamp that uses sodium in an excited state to produce light . There are two varieties of such
Kaynak: Sodium-vapor lamp
Sodium sulfate is the sodium salt of sulfuric acid . When anhydrous , it is a white crystalline solid of formula Na 2 SO 4 known as the
Kaynak: Sodium sulfate
Salt, also known as table salt or rock salt (halite ), is a crystalline mineral that is composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl ), a
Kaynak: Salt
Sodium acetate, CH 3 COONa, also abbreviated Na O Ac also sodium ethanoate, is the sodium salt of acetic acid . This colourless salt
Kaynak: Sodium acetate
Sodium channel blockers are agents that impair conduction of sodium ions (Na+) through sodium channel s. Extracellular: substances block
Kaynak: Sodium channel blocker
A low sodium diet is a diet that includes no more than 1,500 to 2,400 mg of sodium per day (One teaspoon of salt has about 2,300 mg sodium
Kaynak: Low sodium diet

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