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softhearted ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

softhearted anlamı
1) merhametli
2) yufka yürekli

"softhearted" için örnek kullanımlar

In his version, Rama was happy in Ayodhya, adored by his people, living with his three brothers and a softhearted Sita, who had suffered innumerable hardships in the past.
Onun sürümü Rama, geçmişte sayısız zorluklara katlandı üç kardeşi ve bir merhametli Sita ile yaşayan, kendi halkı tarafından hayrandı, Ayodhya mutlu oldu.
Kaynak: bangaloremirror.com
Marker was a three time Midwest Golden Gloves Champion from 1937-39 at 147 lbs Vic, according to those who knew him, was a softhearted,
Kaynak: Vic Marker
"Xylophone Song" and "You Could Do Something to Me" feature softhearted, circular melodies reminiscent of anything the band ever released
Kaynak: Good to Be a Stranger

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