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somber ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

somber anlamı
1) kasvetli
2) karanlık
3) hüzünlü
4) loş
5) koyu
6) karamsar
7) iç karartıcı

"somber" için örnek kullanımlar

A return to Florida is also a somber reminder, though, of a friend lost.
Florida'da bir dönüş de kaybetmiş bir arkadaşım kasvetli bir hatırlatma olsa da, olduğunu.
Kaynak: nhra.com
"We didn't come out prepared," said a somewhat somber head coach Jim Cowden.
"Biz hazır dışarı gelmedi," biraz kasvetli baş antrenör Jim Cowden dedi.
Kaynak: abbotsfordtimes.com
"I did a lot of mistakes," A somber Tsonga told reporters afterwards.
"Ben bir sürü hatalar yaptım," Bir kasvetli Tsonga sonrasında gazetecilere verdiği demeçte.
Kaynak: tennisnow.com
The second act was decidedly less energetic and a bit more somber.
İkinci hareket kesinlikle daha az enerjik ve biraz daha kasvetli oldu.
Kaynak: blogs.philadelphiaweekly.com
A dirge is a somber song or lament expressing mourning or grief , such as would be appropriate for performance at a funeral .
Kaynak: Dirge
A dirge is a somber song expressing mourning or grief." "Dirge ", a song by singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, released on his 14th studio album
Kaynak: Dirge (disambiguation)
Springsteen's recordings have included both commercially accessible rock albums and more somber folk-oriented works. His most successful
Kaynak: Bruce Springsteen
for the "boom-chicka-boom" sound of his Tennessee Three backing band; for a rebelliousness coupled with an increasingly somber and humble
Kaynak: Johnny Cash
A somber occasion, it has little of the elaborate ceremony of ship commissioning , but carries significant tradition. In modern use the term
Kaynak: Ship decommissioning
The atmospheric tracks, mostly featuring somber lyrics dealing with social criticism, lead the band to convey these themes with images of
Kaynak: Binaural (album)
There was a gradual change from the somber mood of his work in the Netherlands to a far more varied and expressive approach as he began
Kaynak: Still life paintings by Vincent van Gogh (Paris)
It emphasizes the joy of the institution of the Eucharist, which was observed on Holy Thursday in the somber atmosphere of the nearness
Kaynak: Corpus Christi (feast)
culture's unkempt poster child of doom and gloom", and asserts that some of his songs are a "somber introspection over lush, brooding guitars
Kaynak: Robert Smith (musician)
The painters of the Hague school generally made use of relatively somber colors, which is why the Hague School is sometimes called the
Kaynak: Hague School

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