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someone ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

someone anlamı
1) birisi
2) biri
3) kimse
4) şahsiyet
5) önemli kimse

"someone" için örnek kullanımlar

You could be contacted if you're a match for someone who needs a transplant.
Bir nakli ihtiyacı olan biri için bir maç iseniz kurulamadı.
Kaynak: fayobserver.com
"It's just hard because someone has to lose and tonight that was us."
"Birisi kaybetmek ve akşam bizdik zorunda çünkü çok zor."
Kaynak: dailynews.com
He is best when they get one AB, and are used to someone throwing 10 mph less.
O da tek bir AB olsun iyi olduğunu, ve birinin 10 mph az atma için kullanılır.
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
When a police officer remarks on how the top of someone's head falls off, she walks by and replies, "You don't want to know."
Kaynak: List of Heroes characters
In Grant Morrison 's Animal Man , Brother Power is mentioned several times as someone who escaped from comic book limbo, in spite of other
Kaynak: Brother Power the Geek
The Man from the Cave was a 1981 book written by Fletcher, which detailed how, after finding a trunk and belongings abandoned by someone,
Kaynak: Chuckawalla Bill

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