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somersault ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

somersault anlamı
1) takla
2) perende
3) salto
1) perende atmak
2) takla atmak

"somersault" için örnek kullanımlar

The senior finished it off with a somersault before quickly getting to his feet.
Kıdemli hızla ayağa kalkmadan önce takla ile bitirdi.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
The blow sent him reeling backwards and he almost turned a somersault on the floor.
Darbe onu geriye sarma gönderdi ve o neredeyse katta bir takla attın.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
"The next thing I know, I'm doing a somersault," Sherman said.
"Biliyorum sonraki şey, ben bir takla yapıyorum," Sherman dedi.
Kaynak: cnn.com
His final dive was a forward 2 somersault in a pike position.
Onun nihai dalış bir pike pozisyonda bir ileri 2 takla oldu.
Kaynak: pressofatlanticcity.com
A somersault (obsolete French word sombresault, Provencal sobresaut; and Latin - supra, over, and saltus, jump, and in gymnastics a Salto
Kaynak: Somersault
Another slight variation on a standard senton sees the attacking wrestler jump forward and perform a somersault (front flip) to land back-
Kaynak: Professional wrestling attacks
Somersault leg drop: An attacking wrestler would perform a jumping forward somersault to drop their leg across the throat or chest of an
Kaynak: Leg drop
Miller Plus Plus/ Thriller/ Polyiarush Plus – A double back somersault with 5 full twists: either 2½ twists in both the first and second
Kaynak: Trampolining terms
Salto, a Latin word for "to leap/jump", and in gymnastics refers to a somersault Glasflügel H-101 "Salto" (aerobatic glider) Organisations
Kaynak: Salto
A gainer is an acrobatic skill in which the acrobat performs a backwards somersault while still moving forward (used primarily to
Kaynak: Gainer
A Jaeger (or a Jaeger salto/somersault) is a very popular move on uneven bars in artistic gymnastics in which a gymnast swings backward in
Kaynak: Jaeger (uneven bars)

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