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speleology ne demek?

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speleology anlamı
1) speleoloji
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"speleology" için örnek kullanımlar

International Union of Speleology. (links no | Union Internationale de Spéléologie coordinating international speleology in all of its
Kaynak: International Union of Speleology
In contrast, speleology is the scientific study of caves and the cave environment. The challenges involved in the activity depend on the
Kaynak: Caving
Édouard-Alfred Martel (1 July 1859, Pontoise , Val-d'Oise – 3 June 1938, Montbrison ), the 'father of modern speleology was a world
Kaynak: Édouard-Alfred Martel
The Sydney University Speleological Society has been at the forefront of speleology since its formation. The Sydney University Speleological
Kaynak: Sydney University Speleological Society
(NSS) created in 1980, dedicated to the advancement of speleology WUSS has more than 500 members, current and past students, faculty and
Kaynak: Wittenberg University Speleological Society

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