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spendthrift ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

spendthrift anlamı
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"spendthrift" için örnek kullanımlar

Rumors of the spendthrift American consumer may be slightly exaggerated.
Mirasyedi Amerikan tüketici Dedikodular biraz abartılı olabilir.
Kaynak: cnbc.com
But she is also dangerously spendthrift and lax in her accounting practices.
Ama aynı zamanda tehlikeli bir mirasyedi ve onun muhasebe uygulamaları gevşektir.
Kaynak: bostonglobe.com
Think about spendthrift parents who arrive at retirement with nothing.
Hiçbir şey ile emeklilik varmak mirasyedi anne düşünün.
Kaynak: money.cnn.com
The Evoque is no spendthrift when it comes to gas, unlike other Range Rovers.
Diğer Range Rovers aksine, gaz gelince Evoque hiçbir mirasyedi olduğunu.
Kaynak: aurorasentinel.com
A spendthrift (also called profligate) is someone who spends money prodigiously and who is extravagant and recklessly wasteful, often to a
Kaynak: Spendthrift
A spendthrift trust is a trust that is created for the benefit of a person (often unable to control his spending) that gives an
Kaynak: Spendthrift trust
a spendthrift , or person who spends money recklessly and wastefully. Parable of the Prodigal Son (Bible) The Prodigal , a 1955 epic
Kaynak: Prodigal
The exception is recognized to benefit minors, incompetents, and trust beneficiaries that may otherwise behave as a spendthrift would.
Kaynak: Anti-alienation clause
In the United States and England, a practice developed whereby trust settlor s began to use "spendthrift " clauses to prevent trust
Kaynak: Asset-protection trust
Hugh Morton and music by Gustave Kerker , about a Salvation Army girl who reforms a spendthrift, makes a great sacrifice and finds true love.
Kaynak: The Belle of New York (musical)
The series shows the decline and fall of Tom Rakewell , the spendthrift son and heir of a rich merchant, who comes to London , wastes all
Kaynak: A Rake's Progress
The young man and the swallow (which also has the Victorian title of "The spendthrift and the swallow") is one of Aesop's Fables and is
Kaynak: The Young Man and the Swallow

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