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spite ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

spite anlamı
1) kin
2) nispet
3) inat
4) garez
1) üzmek
2) kin gütmek
3) zarar vermek
4) hıncını almak

"spite" için örnek kullanımlar

In spite of all that, Saints Row: The Third is, by no means, a bad game.
Tüm bu, Saints Row rağmen: Üçüncü, hiçbir şekilde, kötü bir oyun.
Kaynak: destructoid.com
However, there was no revote in spite of attempts to reopen the debate.
Ancak, tartışma yeniden girişimlerine rağmen hiçbir yeniden oylanmasını yoktu.
Kaynak: sundaytimes.lk
Mixed emotions at Cheltenham in spite of record Irish tally of wins.
Galibiyet rekoru İrlanda taksitli rağmen Cheltenham Karışık duygular.
Kaynak: irishtimes.com
In spite of Tavon Austin getting all the press Bailey scored 41 TDs in his career.
Tavon Austin rağmen alıyorum tüm basın Bailey kariyerinde 41 TDS attı.
Kaynak: catscratchreader.com
In fair division problems, spite is a phenomenon that occurs when a player's value of an allocation decreases when one or more other
Kaynak: Spite
To spite is to intentionally annoy , hurt , or upset . Spiteful word s or actions are delivered in such a way that it is clear that the
Kaynak: Spite (sentiment)
A spite house is a building constructed or modified to irritate neighbors or other parties with land stakes. Spite houses often serve as
Kaynak: Spite house
A spite fence is an overly tall fence , structure in the nature of a fence, or a row of trees, bushes, or hedges, constructed or planted
Kaynak: Spite fence
An appeal to spite (also called argumentum ad odium is a fallacy in which someone attempts to win favor for an argument by exploiting
Kaynak: Appeal to spite
Within the field of social evolution , Hamiltonian spite is a term for behaviours occurring among conspecifics that have a cost for the
Kaynak: Hamiltonian spite

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