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spoilsport ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

spoilsport anlamı
1) oyunbozan
2) mızıkçı

"spoilsport" için örnek kullanımlar

The APTRANSCO is going to play spoilsport this summer owing to power cuts.
APTRANSCO elektrik kesintileri nedeniyle bu yaz oyunbozan oynayacak.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
Both the teams would be hoping that weather holds good and does not play spoilsport.
Iki takım bu hava iyi tutan ve oyunbozan çalmıyor umut olacaktır.
Kaynak: ibnlive.in.com
"As much as they respect each other, they come from very different worlds." Spoilsport.
"Onlar birbirlerine saygı kadar, çok farklı dünyalardan geliyoruz." Oyunbozan.
Kaynak: look.co.uk
The terms fusspot, fusser, stick-in-the-mud, spoilsport, wet blanket, old fogy/fogey, stuffed shirt and fuddy-dud are abbreviated forms of
Kaynak: Fuddy-duddy
proved to be a spoilsport, taking away 13.70% of the vote, a good showing, and his second highest showing in the southeast behind Florida.
Kaynak: United States presidential election in North Carolina, 1992
Independent Candidate Republican Congressman John B. Anderson , proved top be a minor spoilsport, taking two percent of the vote from
Kaynak: United States presidential election in North Carolina, 1980
also went on to complete 75 days of run in Bangalore , despite controversies and release in excessive number of theaters playing spoilsport.
Kaynak: H2O (2002 film)
com/article/02-Nov-2012south-cinema/cyclone-nilam-is-such-a-spoilsport-kamal-haasan-303552-71. Nilam is such a 'spoilsport': Kamal Haasan |
Kaynak: Vishwaroopam (soundtrack)
Will Sheetal play spoilsport to Mukta's life even more? Will Mukta and Rajat ever be able to reconcile? What landed all of them in court?
Kaynak: Nazrana (1987 film)

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