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sponsorship ne demek?

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"sponsorship" için örnek kullanımlar

The latest NCPA sponsorship bill includes support from some current athletes.
Son NCPA sponsorluk tasarıyı bazı güncel sporcular desteği içerir.
Kaynak: al.com
Honeywell recently elected not to pursue a sponsorship option within the sport.
Honeywell son zamanlarda spor içinde bir sponsorluk seçeneği takipsizlik seçildi.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
In addition, she oversees WWE's integrated media sales and sponsorship business.
Buna ek olarak, o WWE entegre medya satış ve sponsorluk iş yönetmektedir.
Kaynak: wrestlinginc.com
I hope it will catch eye of PTF and they will try to get sponsorship from for him.
Ben PTF gözü yakalamak ve onlar onun için sponsorluk almak için çalışacağız umuyoruz.
Kaynak: pakistantoday.com.pk
Theories of Sponsorship: A range of psychological and communications theories have been used to explain how commercial sponsorship works to
Kaynak: Sponsor (commercial)
The sponsorship scandal, "AdScam", "Sponsorship" or Sponsorgate, is a scandal that came as a result of a Canadian federal government "
Kaynak: Sponsorship scandal
While sponsorship of artists and the commissioning of artwork is the best-known aspect of the patronage system, other disciplines also
Kaynak: Patronage
Ever since the first appearance of the Red, Gold and White colors of the Imperial Tobacco 's Gold Leaf brand sponsorship livery at the
Kaynak: Tobacco advertising
and Boston , and ruled out in San Francisco A sponsorship for the MBTA 's State Street station by Citizens Bank lasted from 1997 to 2000.
Kaynak: Naming rights
Corporate sponsorship of major English football competitions dates back to the early 1980s, although minor competitions such as the Watney
Kaynak: English football sponsorship
Sponsorship underwriting: Underwriting spot. Underwriting may also refer to financial sponsorship of a venture, and is also used as a term
Kaynak: Underwriting
Child sponsorship allows an individual, typically in a developed country , to sponsor, or fund a child in a developing country until the
Kaynak: Child sponsorship
Corporate sponsorship during the 2006 World Cup has been a major source of revenue for FIFA , but it has also led to criticism for overly
Kaynak: 2006 FIFA World Cup sponsorship
Skateboarding sponsorship is the commercial sponsorship of an individual or team of people who participate in skateboarding events,
Kaynak: Skateboarding sponsorship
Fiscal sponsorship refers to the practice of non-profit organization s offering their legal and tax-exempt status to groups engaged in
Kaynak: Fiscal sponsorship
A sponsorship broker is an individual, or agency, that procures sponsorship funding for properties (defined as an outlet with a captive
Kaynak: Sponsorship broker
Formula One sponsorship liveries have been used since the late 1960s, replacing the previously used national colours . With sponsors
Kaynak: Formula One sponsorship liveries
The European Sponsorship Association (ESA) represents those involved in sponsorship across Europe. History : The European Sponsorship
Kaynak: European Sponsorship Association
Common in auto racing , contingency sponsorship is a form of sponsorship whereby race teams place decals on their vehicles from companies
Kaynak: Contingency sponsorship
Sponsor or sponsorship may refer to: Sponsor (commercial), supporter of an event, activity, or person. Sponsor (legislative), a person who
Kaynak: Sponsor

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