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spontaneity ne demek?

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"spontaneity" için örnek kullanımlar

Much is carefully choreographed in unison, so there isn't a lot of spontaneity.
Çok dikkatli bir şekilde ağızdan koreografisini, kendiliğindenlik bir sürü değildir bu yüzden.
Kaynak: nypost.com
There is elegance and joy in the movement, much wit and a bubbling spontaneity.
Zerafet ve sevinç hareketi, çok zekâ ve köpüren bir kendiliğindenlik vardır.
Kaynak: thestage.co.uk
The music is composed but has an improvisational spontaneity, too.
Müzik çok, oluşan ancak doğaçlama bir kendiliğindenlik vardır.
Kaynak: mshale.com
But in fact she is doing away with Friedan's vitriol and all the messy spontaneity.
Ama aslında o Friedan'ın sülfatı ve tüm dağınık kendiliğindenlik ortadan yapıyor.
Kaynak: slate.com
Revolutionary spontaneity (also known as spontaneism) is a tendency to believe that social revolution can and should occur spontaneously
Kaynak: Revolutionary spontaneity
Oriole are a London based band fusing lyrical world music with jazz spontaneity, who create an aural form of Magical Realism Oriole's
Kaynak: Oriole (band)
The Developmental Social-Pragmatic model (DSP) is a developmental intervention that focuses on initiation and spontaneity in communication
Kaynak: Developmental Social-Pragmatic model
teleology, but on an hermeneutical not-conceptual logic "Kant on Spontaneity" is the first full-length study of the problem of spontaneity in Kant.
Kaynak: Marco Sgarbi
In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct. Lawrence's opinions earned him many
Kaynak: D. H. Lawrence
This is the element of spontaneity in volition and in reason. This is the heart of what is new alike in his doctrine of knowledge and
Kaynak: Victor Cousin
organizations aim to add debates to their list of campaign-trail charades devoid of substance, spontaneity and answers to tough questions.
Kaynak: League of Women Voters
praxis albeit 'natural' (Wylie: lhan skyes; IAST : sahaja and 'effortless' (Wylie: lhun grub; IAST : anābhoga has the sense of 'spontaneity
Kaynak: Ground of Being (Dzogchen)
the Atlantic with a blend of spontaneity, intricate structures, philosophy, and humor that has endured and transcended the 'progressive ' tag."
Kaynak: Henry Cow
Although frequent criticisms included Jackson's lack of vocal proficiency and spontaneity, a number of reviews observed her showmanship
Kaynak: Janet World Tour
He earned the nickname "Rowdy" by displaying his trademark "Scottish" rage, spontaneity and quick wit. Despite being a crowd favorite for
Kaynak: Roddy Piper
Known for the spontaneity and creativity of his live performances, Hornsby draws frequently from classical , jazz , bluegrass , folk ,
Kaynak: Bruce Hornsby
thermodynamic properties, but also the application of mathematical methods to the study of chemical questions and the spontaneity of processes.
Kaynak: Chemical thermodynamics

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