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spool ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

spool anlamı
1) makara
2) bobin
1) makaraya sarmak
2) bobine sarmak

"spool" için örnek kullanımlar

DeFoe said he's going to spool fluorocarbon line onto his reels daily.
Defoe o günlük onun makaralar üzerinde biriktirme florokarbon hattı gidiyor dedi.
Kaynak: theadvocate.com
Cut one spool of natural cotton string into 16 strands, each 27 inches long.
Her 27 santim uzunluğunda 16 ipliklerini, içine doğal pamuk dize bir makara kesin.
Kaynak: kmuw.org
We mounted it on the spool and let it run, while we held our breath.
Bizim nefesini tuttu ederken, makara üzerine monte edilmiş ve çalıştırın.
Kaynak: twocircles.net
We're going to be improving this year on the spool up that we had at LaGuardia.
Biz at LaGuardia vardı makara üzerine bu yıl iyileştirilmesi için gidiyoruz.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
If it is desirable to have a spooled axle, the better option is to install either a mini-spool or a full spool. Disadvantages: Because they do
Kaynak: Locking differential
Spool knitting, corking, French knitting or tomboy knitting is a form of knitting that uses a spool and a number of nails to produce a
Kaynak: Spool knitting
A spool heel is a heel that is wide at the top and bottom and narrower in the middle so resembling a cotton reel Spool heels were
Kaynak: Spool heel
In HASP II V4 Mellon Bank moved shared spool to this version and carried it forward into JES2 multi-access spool (IBM's formal support of
Kaynak: Houston Automatic Spooling Priority
Otherwise, a two-spool turbojet is much like a single-spool engine. File:Outer nozzle of GEnx-2B turbofan engine. jpg | View into the outer
Kaynak: Turbofan
In the casting position the spool is perpendicular to the rod, opening the face of the reel allowing the line to run off the side of the
Kaynak: Fishing reel

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