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spotter ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

spotter anlamı
1) gözcü
2) dedektif
3) mağaza güvenlik görevlisi

"spotter" için örnek kullanımlar

Seth Barber did a great job keeping me calm as well as the spotter, Jason.
Seth Berber bana sakin tutmak büyük bir iş gibi gözcü, Jason verdi.
Kaynak: speedwaymedia.com
Pat Anderson, center, was the Sunoco spotter who entered him into the contest.
Pat Anderson, merkezi, yarışma onu girilen Sunoco gözcü idi.
Kaynak: ydr.com
It will also provide the necessary training to become a volunteer storm spotter.
Ayrıca gönüllü fırtına gözcü olmak için gerekli eğitimi sağlayacak.
Kaynak: palmcoastobserver.com
Dodge County severe weather spotter training, 7 p.m., Midland University's Kimme
Dodge County şiddetli hava gözcü eğitim, 7 pm, Midland Üniversitesi Kimme
Kaynak: fremonttribune.com
A spotter is someone trained to look for something. The term has the following special meanings. Weather spotter , an individual who
Kaynak: Spotter
A military artillery observer or spotter is responsible for directing artillery and mortar fire, mostly at opportunity targets date May
Kaynak: Artillery observer
A spotter in auto racing is a trained team member whose job is to relay information to their driver, keeping him/her alert of what is
Kaynak: Spotter (auto racing)
A sniper team (or sniper cell) consists of a sniper /s, force protection elements and support personnel such as a spotter . Members can
Kaynak: Sniper team
While a spotter may prevent injury, a lifter may become too dependent on the spotter, and not realize the degree that the spotter is
Kaynak: Spotting (weight training)
When the climber falls, the spotter's hands lightly hold the climber's hips or lower back, near the climber's center of gravity.
Kaynak: Spotting (climbing)
It consists of a network of severe storm spotter s that observe weather conditions and make reports of severe weather to their local NWS
Kaynak: Skywarn
Examples include National Weather Service co-op observers and Skywarn storm spotters. Storm spotters: Storm spotting. A storm spotter is a
Kaynak: Weather spotting

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