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sprinkling ne demek?

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sprinkling anlamı
1) tuTam
2) serpme
3) serpinti
4) ekme
5) azıcık miktar

"sprinkling" için örnek kullanımlar

Top the pears with a sprinkling of the mint leaves and chopped pistachios.
Nane yaprakları ve kıyılmış fıstık bir tutam ile armut ekleyin.
Kaynak: sfgate.com
Serve it up with a sprinkling of sliced, pitted Kalamata olives over the top.
Üst üzerinde dilimlenmiş, çekirdeksiz Kalamata zeytin bir tutam ile o kadar servis yapın.
Kaynak: centralny.ynn.com
It is made of hydrogen and helium ions with a sprinkling of heavier elements.
Bu hidrojen ve ağır elementler bir tutam helyum iyonları yapılır.
Kaynak: spacedaily.com
A sprinkling over the finished dish just before serving makes all the difference.
Servisten hemen önce bitmiş yemeğin üzerinde bir tutam tüm fark yaratıyor.
Kaynak: weeklytimesnow.com.au
Aspersion (la. aspergere/aspersio), in a religious context, is the act of sprinkling with water , especially holy water . Aspersion is a
Kaynak: Aspersion
The Water-sprinkling festival is a traditional folk activity in Dai nationality. Dai nationality is one of the ethnic minoritie of China,
Kaynak: Water-Sprinkling Festival
Asperges is a name given to the rite of sprinkling a congregation with holy water . The name comes from the first word in the 9th verse of
Kaynak: Asperges
The Sandman is a mythical character in Northern European folklore who brings good dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto the eyes of
Kaynak: Sandman
Oblivantsy (from обливанцы) is a word still used by Old Believers for those who practise the baptism by sprinkling water, as in Catholic
Kaynak: Oblivantsy
(pouring) and by aspersion (sprinkling), sometimes without specifying whether the immersion is total or partial but very commonly with the
Kaynak: Immersion baptism
The flower festival or flower sprinkling festival (known in Tamil as Poochoriyal) is an important festival ceberated in the Samayapuram
Kaynak: Poochoriyal
refers to the sprinkling of water in Japanese gardens and streets. It is more than a mere matter of hygiene and has, in temples and
Kaynak: Uchimizu
with sprinkling being practiced rarely (and probably only for medical reasons) during that time period Robin M. Jensen describes the early
Kaynak: Baptism
believers (believer's baptism , as opposed to infant baptism ), and that it must be done by immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling ).
Kaynak: Baptists
and thyme , which have aromatic and cleansing properties, grow wild in Israel, and can easily be bunched together to be used for sprinkling.
Kaynak: Ezov
Painting onto the plate with a liquid glue and then sprinkling the carborundum onto it. Mixing different amounts of glue with it and then
Kaynak: Carborundum printmaking
Icons or sacred vessels) the blessing is completed by a triple sprinkling with holy water using the words, "This (name of item) is
Kaynak: Holy water in Eastern Christianity

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