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squeezer ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

squeezer anlamı
1) limon sıkacağı
2) sıkacak
3) pres

"squeezer" için örnek kullanımlar

Perhaps his most iconic product is Alessi's futuristic tripod lemon squeezer.
Belki de onun en ikonik ürünü Alessi fütüristik üçayak limon sıkacağı olduğunu.
Kaynak: decanter.com
Simply slice the fruit and squeeze it over your hand to catch the seeds, or use a citrus juicer or squeezer.
Sadece meyve dilim ve tohumları yakalamak için elini sıkmak ya da bir narenciye sıkacağı veya sıkacağı kullanın.
Kaynak: santacruzsentinel.com
Using a portable squeezer, customers can make their own fresh juice from oranges, or watch a staff member do it.
Taşınabilir sıkacağı kullanarak, müşterilerin portakal kendi taze meyve suyu yapmak, ya da yapmak bir personel izleyebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: www2.tbo.com
A lemon squeezer is a small kitchen utensil designed to extract juice from lemon s or other citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit,
Kaynak: Lemon squeezer
A campaign hat (also campaign cover, drill instructor cover, drill sergeant hat, lemon squeezer, Montana Peak, Mountie hat, ranger hat,
Kaynak: Campaign hat
The high crowned "lemon squeezer" hat was for decades the most visible national distinction. This was adopted by the Wellington Regiment
Kaynak: New Zealand Army
Smith & Wesson Lemon Squeezer —The "lemon squeezer," also known as Model 40, Model 42 and 38 Safety. J-Frame (small) Models. Smith & Wesson
Kaynak: Smith & Wesson
1st New Zealand Expeditionary Force wore Khaki uniform with Lemon squeezer or known as the Campaign hat and the mounted service pattern
Kaynak: Uniforms of the New Zealand Army
Jubal has invented a device called the "squeezer", a spherical impenetrable silver force field that can be formed or have its size changed
Kaynak: Red Thunder (novel)
As an alternative to the typical NZ army lemon squeezer the NZ Mounted Rifles Hat is worn on all but the most important occasions, where
Kaynak: Slouch hat
See also : Lemon squeezer Wheatgrass Vegetable juice Blender Smoothie References : Category:Kitchenware Category:Cooking utensils Category:
Kaynak: Juicer

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