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story ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

story anlamı
1) öykü
2) hikâye
3) kat
4) masal
5) makale
6) rivayet
7) efsane
8) söylenti
9) martaval

"story" için örnek kullanımlar

The real story of the fight was the offensive wrestling of Hendricks.
Mücadelenin gerçek hikayesi Hendricks saldırgan güreş oldu.
Kaynak: espn.go.com
The story of this half is like most with the team: struggling to rotate defensively.
Bu yarım hikayesi ekibi ile en gibidir: defansif döndürmek için mücadele.
Kaynak: rufusonfire.com
To Comment on this story, click here.
Bu hikaye Yorum için, buraya tıklayın.
Kaynak: latimes.com
There are two sides to every story.
Her hikayenin iki tarafı vardır.
Kaynak: bostonglobe.com
A narrative (or story) is any account that presents connected events and may be organized into various categories: non-fiction (e.g. New
Kaynak: Narrative
A storey (British English ) or story (American English ) is any level part of a building that could be used by people (for living, work,
Kaynak: Storey
A concept album is a studio album where all musical or lyrical ideas contribute to a single overall theme or unified story In contrast,
Kaynak: Concept album
Plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence,
Kaynak: Plot (narrative)
Image:The story of a word. jpg | A map demonstrating the supposed evolution of the word "mother ", by Hendrik Willem van Loon .
Kaynak: Etymology
The Grimm story, which is commonly referred to as "Snow White", should not be confused with the story of "Snow White and Rose Red " (in
Kaynak: Snow White
document containing the concept, gameplay, feature list, setting and story, target audience, requirements and schedule, staff and budget estimates
Kaynak: Game design
The Exodus (from Greek ἔξοδος, exodos, "going out") is the story of the enslavement of the Israelites in Egypt following the death of
Kaynak: The Exodus
More recent developments include metal opera and rap opera (sometimes also called hip-hopera A rock opera tells a coherent story, and may
Kaynak: Rock opera

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