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strict ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

strict anlamı
1) sıkı
2) katı
3) Tam
4) sert
5) harfi harfine
6) otoriter
7) müsamahasız
8) hoşgörüsüz
9) mutlâk

"strict" için örnek kullanımlar

Mr. Martello said he had adhered to strict club bylaws on the rentals.
Sayın Martello o paketleri sıkı kulüp tüzüğünde yapıştırılır söyledi.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
Don't get me wrong, the snow sports area in New Hartford is strict about the rules.
Beni yanlış anlamayın, New Hartford kar sporları alanı kuralları hakkında katıdır.
Kaynak: rockyhill.patch.com
That said, GSP needs to follow a strict game plan to emerge victorious in this bout.
O dedi, GSP bu maçın galip için sıkı bir oyun planı takip etmek gerekiyor.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
And his hands were also tied by restrictions and strict routines for certain pitchers.
Ve ellerini de belirli sürahi için kısıtlamalar ve sıkı rutinleri tarafından bağlandı.
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
In mathematical writing, the adjective strict is used to modify technical terms which have multiple meanings. It indicates that the
Kaynak: Strict
In law, strict liability is a standard for liability which may exist in either a criminal or civil context. A rule specifying strict
Kaynak: Strict liability
A (non-strict) partial order is a binary relation "≤" over a set P which is antisymmetric , transitive , and reflexive , i.e.,
Kaynak: Partially ordered set
A is also a proper (or strict) subset of B; this is written as Asubsetneq B.: or equivalently: B is a proper superset of A; this is
Kaynak: Subset
These relations are known as strict inequalities. The notation a. Properties: Inequalities are governed by the following properties .
Kaynak: Inequality (mathematics)
Webb (1991) traces the political and legal struggles between strict creationists and Darwinists to influence the extent to which evolution
Kaynak: Christian fundamentalism
A strict function in the denotational semantics of programming language s is a function f where fleft(perp ight) perp.
Kaynak: Strict function
In criminal law , strict liability is liability for which mens rea (Latin for "guilty mind") does not have to be proven in relation to
Kaynak: Strict liability (criminal)
The strict father model of parenting is one which values strict discipline, particularly by the father, in parenting . Ideas involved in
Kaynak: Strict father model
Under Church encoding , eager evaluation of operator s maps to strict evaluation of functions; for this reason, strict evaluation is
Kaynak: Eager evaluation
In the United States , strict constructionism refers to a particular legal philosophy of judicial interpretation that limits or restricts
Kaynak: Strict constructionism
A strict nature reserve (IUCN category Ia) or wilderness area (IUCN category Ib), is the highest category of protected area recognised by
Kaynak: Strict nature reserve
In logic , a strict conditional is a modal operator , that is, a logical connective of modal logic . It is logically equivalent to the
Kaynak: Strict conditional
A strict programming language is one in which only strict function s (functions whose parameters must be evaluated completely before they
Kaynak: Strict programming language

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