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subtle ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

subtle anlamı
1) ince
2) incelikli
3) hoş
4) zekice
5) zeki
6) tatlı
7) çözümü zor
8) ustaca yapılmış

"subtle" için örnek kullanımlar

His subtle movement and crafty passing can expose gaps in any defense.
Onun ince hareketi ve kurnaz geçen herhangi bir savunma boşlukları açığa çıkarabilir.
Kaynak: ibtimes.com
When we grow up, we learn to hurt others through more subtle speech.
Biz büyüdükçe, biz daha ince konuşma yoluyla başkalarına zarar öğrenirler.
Kaynak: chicoer.com
The parallel between Barth and Helen's husband, Ben, isn't particularly subtle.
Barth ve Helen kocası, Ben arasındaki paralellik, özellikle ince değil.
Kaynak: kansascity.com
Subtle bondage references are found in shoes topped with ankle straps, London said.
Hafif esaret referansları ayak bileği askıları ile tepesinde ayakkabı bulunur, Londra dedi.
Kaynak: grandforksherald.com
A subtle body is one of a series of psycho-spiritual constituents of living beings, according to various esoteric , occult , and mystical
Kaynak: Subtle body
In mathematics , subtle cardinals and ethereal cardinals are closely related kinds of large cardinal number. κ is called subtle if for
Kaynak: Subtle cardinal
within and between all things, (as in some forms of vitalism ), as doctrines of subtle bodies or as concepts such as qi , prana , or kundalini
Kaynak: Energy (esotericism)
He was given the medieval accolade Doctor Subtilis (Subtle Doctor) for his penetrating and subtle manner of thought. Life: File:Duns Scotus
Kaynak: Duns Scotus

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