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sufferance ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sufferance anlamı
1) müsamaha
2) göz yumma
3) dayanma
4) katlanma
5) tahammül

"sufferance" için örnek kullanımlar

Quite clearly, Hasler attended the press conference under sufferance, and was generally rude and disrespectful.
Oldukça açık, Hasler müsamaha altında basın toplantısına katıldı ve genellikle kaba ve saygısız.
Kaynak: sunshinecoastdaily.com.au
Tenancy at sufferance: A tenancy at sufferance (sometimes called a holdover tenancy) may exist when a tenant remains in possession of
Kaynak: Leasehold estate
From the early 17th century to the middle of the 18th century, the East India Company traded in Bengal on the sufferance of the native
Kaynak: Presidencies and provinces of British India
Tenancy at sufferance: A tenancy at sufferance (sometimes called a holdover tenancy) exists when a tenant remains in possession of a property
Kaynak: Lease
status of self-governing regions exists by the sufferance of the central government and are often created through a process of devolution .
Kaynak: Central government
I used to put up with it on sufferance." According to the Evening Standard , Francis's departure damaged the BNP in East London, the site
Kaynak: Kenneth Francis
Unusually for sufferance leaders, she came from a working class background; she did not write many letters but she spoke frequently
Kaynak: Elizabeth Caradus
Thus Baruch understands not to grieve for who die, but to joy for the present sufferance. Chapters 53-74: A second prophetic vision
Kaynak: 2 Baruch
In line 9, the quarto 's comma after tame is generally removed; editors have glossed the phrase "tame to sufferance" as "made tame to
Kaynak: Sonnet 58
unitary state the autonomous status of self-governing regions exists by the sufferance of the central government, and may be unilaterally revoked.
Kaynak: Federation
learned the desire for revenge from the Christian characters: "If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example?
Kaynak: The Merchant of Venice
Well of sufferance, comes ease (1598, Henry IV, Part 2, 5.4.24–5): Might overcomes right/Of sufferance cometh ease (Promus, folio 103,
Kaynak: Baconian theory of Shakespeare authorship
Islamic tradition regards Jews as a legitimate community of believers in God (called "people of the Book") legally entitled to sufferance.
Kaynak: Islam and antisemitism
To this, the archbishop making no reply, the king said : 'By the ordinance and sufferance of God . . . we intend to maintain the
Kaynak: John Fineux
d) When the murder employs torture or other act of cruelty to enhance the victim's sufferance.: e) When the murder is determined by greed,
Kaynak: Murder (Portuguese law)

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