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Sufism ne demek?

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Sufism anlamı

"Sufism" için örnek kullanımlar

But the singer later said that it is the beauty of sufism that holds the audience.
Ama şarkıcı daha sonra seyirci tutar sufizm güzelliği olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: dailypioneer.com
Abdul explains that when he first began studying Sufism, he'd occasionally light up a joint.
Abdul o ilk tasavvuf eğitimi başladı, o zaman ortak bir yanar diye açıklıyor.
Kaynak: alaskadispatch.com
Bollywood and Sufism are two different things.
Bollywood ve tasavvuf iki farklı şeylerdir.
Kaynak: indianexpress.com
Her unkempt curls, shimmery golden gown goes good with the Sufism painted on each tree and walls of the historic Arab ki Sarai.
Onun dağınık bukleler, pırıltılı altın elbisesi tarihi Arap Ki Sarai her ağaç ve duvarlar boyalı Sufizm ile iyi gider.
Kaynak: daily.bhaskar.com
Sufism or. ar | DIN | taṣawwuf (تصوّف is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam A practitioner of this
Kaynak: Sufism
In Sufism a Pir's role is to guide and instruct his disciples on the Sufi path. This is often done by general lessons (called Suhbas) and
Kaynak: Pir (Sufism)
Sufism in Sindh covers the incidence of Sufism in Sindh , the lower Indus valley in Pakistan , which is reputed to be an area of mystics
Kaynak: Sufism in Sindh
Universal Sufism is a universalist spiritual movement founded by Hazrat Inayat Khan while traveling throughout the West between 1910 and
Kaynak: Universal Sufism
شيوخ shuyūkh), of Sufism is a Sufi who is authorized to teach, initiate and guide aspiring dervish es. The sheik is vital to the path of
Kaynak: Sheikh (Sufism)
Sufism Reoriented is an American school of spiritual training headquartered in Walnut Creek , California , established by Meher Baba in
Kaynak: Sufism Reoriented
Sufism in India had an instrumental role in spreading Islam in India The Sufi s belonged to different tariqa s (orders) of Sufism .
Kaynak: Sufism in India
Sufism is a mystic and ascetic movement which originated in the Golden Age of Islam , from about the 9th to 10th centuries. emergence of
Kaynak: History of Sufism
Hu or Huwa is a name for God in Sufism . Literally, Arabic for "He." "In Sufism Hu or Huwa is the pronoun used with Allah or God, and is
Kaynak: Hu (Sufism)
International Association of Sufism (IAS) is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that brings together scholars, educators,
Kaynak: International Association of Sufism
A Qayyum (pronounced Qayyoom, Arabic/Urdu: قیوم) is a special spiritual position in Sufism, especially in the Naqshbandi tradition.
Kaynak: Qayyum (Sufism)
religious traditions, communal serving of food has also been a rich tradition in Indian and Persian Sufism , especially of the Chishti Order.
Kaynak: Langar (Sufism)
is the term for a school or order of Sufism , or especially for the mystical teaching and spiritual practices of such an order with the
Kaynak: Tariqa
A list of topics related to the topic of Sufism ._ NOTOC_side yes | top yes | num yes A : Abou Ben Adhem Abu al-Hasan al-Shadhili
Kaynak: Index of Sufism-related articles
Sufism: Sufism. File:Whirling Dervishes 2.JPG | Sufi whirling dervishes in Istanbul , Turkey Sufism is a mystical-ascetic approach to Islam
Kaynak: Islam
astronomical term or a spiritual symbol In Sufism , a Qutb or Kutb is the perfect human being, al-insān al-kāmil, who leads the saintly hierarchy.
Kaynak: Qutb

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