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sugary ne demek?

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2) tatlı
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"sugary" için örnek kullanımlar

Sizzurp is a concoction of cough syrup with sugary sodas and hard candies.
Sizzurp şekerli gazlı içecekler ve sert şekerler ile öksürük şurubu bir karışım olduğunu.
Kaynak: post.jagran.com
Feeling nostalgic for that sugary sweet cereal you loved as a kid?
Eğer bir çocuk gibi sevdiği şekerli tahıl için nostaljik bir duygu?
Kaynak: sundial.csun.edu
And not just because they had to go on the black market to get their sugary fix!
Ve onların şekerli düzeltme almak için karaborsada gitmek zorunda çünkü!
Kaynak: thestir.cafemom.com
Avoid heavy, spicy, or sugary foods four hours before bedtime.
Dört saat yatmadan önce ağır, baharatlı veya şekerli gıdalardan uzak durun.
Kaynak: sunshinecoastdaily.com.au
It is suggested that Alzheimer's disease is linked with the western diet , which is characterised by high intakes of red meat , sugary
Kaynak: Sugar
In January 2013, a British lobby group called for the price of sugary fizzy drinks to be increased, with the money raised (an estimated £1
Kaynak: Soft drink
Sooty molds are Ascomycete fungi which grow on plant exudates and the sugary honeydew secreted by insects such as aphids , scales , the
Kaynak: Sooty mold
Honeycomb toffee, sponge toffee or cinder toffee is a sugary toffee with a light, rigid, sponge-like texture. Its main ingredients are
Kaynak: Honeycomb toffee
It consists of flattened oatmeal flakes glazed with a sugary coating. There were six types: Raisin, Almond, Triple Berry, Apple Brown
Kaynak: Oatmeal Crisp
Yummie is a Swedish bubblegum dance group from Haninge outside Stockholm , whose music sounds sweet and sugary, with thumping dance
Kaynak: Yummie
The dessert is made from cottage cheese which is then soaked in chashni , a sugary syrup , and rolled in fine sugar to form grape-sized
Kaynak: Angoori
Tibicos can do this in many different sugary liquids, feeding off the sugar to produce lactic acid , alcohol (ethanol ), and carbon
Kaynak: Tibicos
Foods commonly considered junk foods include salted snack foods , gum , candy , sweet desserts , fried fast food , and sugary carbonated
Kaynak: Junk food
When their mouthpart penetrates the phloem , the sugary, high-pressure liquid is forced out of the gut's terminal opening. Honeydew is
Kaynak: Honeydew (secretion)
The common name refers to its preference for sugary nectarous foods and ability to glide through the air, much like a flying squirrel .
Kaynak: Sugar glider
red, or black, globose or oblong, 1 | 5 | cm | in | abbr on long, often very sweet and sugary, reminiscent of a date in texture and flavour.
Kaynak: Ziziphus
Pop-Tarts have a sugary filling sealed inside two layers of rectangular, thin pastry crust. Most varieties are also frosted .
Kaynak: Pop-Tarts
The term orange drink (not to be confused with orange soft drink s) refers to a sweet, sugary, sometimes fizzy, orange-flavored drink.
Kaynak: Orange drink
It is also attracted to nectar-rich flowers and sugary foods which is fairly unusual for the family. The larva is slender and green,
Kaynak: Common Marbled Carpet
We might find that those who lost weight were likely to increase their fruit intake, to exercise more, and to substitute sugary drinks for
Kaynak: Unit-weighted regression
flies at night from August to October flight_season and will come to light but is more strongly attracted to some flower s and sugary foods.
Kaynak: Brick (moth)

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