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suggestion ne demek?

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"suggestion" için örnek kullanımlar

That suggestion has led to more than 25 years of rooting for the Redbirds.
Bu öneri Redbirds için köklenme fazla 25 yıldır yol açmıştır.
Kaynak: stories.illinoisstate.edu
Send suggestion for Around the Town to Sarah Johnson at [email protected].
[email protected] Sarah Johnson Around Town için öneri gönderin.
Kaynak: timesrecordnews.com
Leading Australian feminists, however, agree it is a fair suggestion.
Avustralya feministler Öncü, ancak adil bir öneri olduğunu kabul ediyorsunuz.
Kaynak: theage.com.au
"The suggestion was that he tweak something to make the numbers look better."
"Öneri o numaraları daha iyi görünmesi için bir çimdik oldu."
Kaynak: hereisthecity.com
Suggestion is the psychological process by which one person guides the thoughts, feelings, or behaviour of another. and "suggestion" in
Kaynak: Suggestion
Contemporary hypnotism makes use of a wide variety of different forms of suggestion including: direct verbal suggestions, "indirect"
Kaynak: Hypnosis
A suggestion box is a device for obtaining additional comments, questions, and requests. In its most basic and traditional form, it is a
Kaynak: Suggestion box
Spelling suggestion is a feature of many computer software applications used to suggest plausible replacements for words that are likely to
Kaynak: Spelling suggestion
A suggestion of death, in law , refers to calling the death of a party to the attention of a court and making it a matter of record, as a
Kaynak: Suggestion of death
He observed that his patients who used his mantra-like conscious suggestion, "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better
Kaynak: Autosuggestion
Teaching-suggestion-motivation (TSM) test: Further, the combination of previously known elements can be considered obvious. be a suggestion or
Kaynak: Inventive step and non-obviousness
These are exemplified by phrases such as the power of suggestion, the use of "positive thinking " and concepts like "mind over matter " to
Kaynak: Psychosomatic medicine
Domain name suggestion Because of the popularity of the Internet, many desirable domain names are already assigned and users must search
Kaynak: Domain name

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