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superiority ne demek?

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superiority anlamı
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"superiority" için örnek kullanımlar

New 'Why iPhone' section of Apple's web site touts smartphone superiority.
Apple'ın web sitesinde Yeni 'Neden iPhone' bölümünde akıllı üstünlüğü Sundu.
Kaynak: appleinsider.com
Due to the team's superiority, the first applicable category should be the "Top Ten".
Takımın üstünlüğü nedeniyle, ilk uygulanabilir kategorisinde "Top Ten" olmalıdır.
Kaynak: newjerseynewsroom.com
So before you complain and flaunt some misplaced sense of auditory superiority, shut up.
Eğer işitsel üstünlük bazı yanlış anlamda şikayet ve gösteriş önce Yani, kapa çeneni.
Kaynak: bleedinggreennation.com
More often than not, she's proven that superiority by keeping her composure and control.
Daha fazla değil, onun sakinliğini ve kontrol tutarak bu üstünlüğünü kanıtladı.
Kaynak: highschoolsports.nola.com
Superiority: Superiority may refer to: Air superiority , the dominance of one military's airborne forces over another in any given conflict
Kaynak: Superior
Superiority complex is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person's feelings of superiority counter or conceal his or her
Kaynak: Superiority complex
"Superiority" is a science fiction short story by Arthur C. Clarke , first published in 1951 . its apparent superiority, because of
Kaynak: Superiority (short story)
Illusory superiority is a cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate their positive qualities and abilities and to underestimate
Kaynak: Illusory superiority
It is defined by North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United States Department of Defense as "that degree of air superiority
Kaynak: Air supremacy
An air superiority fighter is a type of fighter aircraft intended to gain air supremacy in a war, by entering and seizing control of
Kaynak: Air superiority fighter
Moral superiority is the belief or attitude that one's position and actions are justified by having higher moral values than one's opponent.
Kaynak: Moral superiority
In cognitive psychology , the word superiority effect (WSE) refers to the phenomenon that people have better recognition of letters
Kaynak: Word superiority effect
The superiority and inferiority ranking method (or SIR method) is a multi-criteria decision making model which can handle real data and
Kaynak: Superiority and inferiority ranking method
A fighter's main purpose is to establish air superiority over a battlefield. achieving and maintaining air superiority has been essential
Kaynak: Fighter aircraft
"Black athletic superiority": "Black athletic superiority" is the belief by some people that black people possess certain traits that are
Kaynak: Race and sports
In amateur wrestling , a technical fall, or technical superiority, is a victory condition satisfied by outscoring your opponent by a
Kaynak: Technical fall

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