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supine ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

supine anlamı
1) yatay
2) gevşek
3) sırtüstü yatan
4) uyuşuk
5) lâkayt
1) i halinde isim fiil
2) den halinde isim fiil

"supine" için örnek kullanımlar

Yet, even this early in the calendar year, Kilkenny don't often make for supine visitors.
Ancak takvim yılında bile bu erken, Kilkenny çoğunlukla yatar ziyaretçiler için yapmazlar.
Kaynak: independent.ie
After the last press conference, even the supine ignorant football press have heard the penny drop.
Son basın toplantısında sonra, hatta supin cahil futbol basın kuruş damla duymuş.
Kaynak: onlinegooner.com
Supine by the pasty bar, a gigantic wolfhound sticks his head up and looks astonished every time anybody goes past.
Sırtüstü mantı bar, dev bir kurt köpeği başını çıkıyor ve herkes geçmiş gider her zaman şaşkın görünüyor.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
The staff are to blame; and the management and politicians are to blame as the above report shows for being supine.
Personel suçlu vardır ve yönetim ve siyasetçiler üzerindeki raporu sırtüstü olmak için gösterdiği gibi suçlu vardır.
Kaynak: blogs.spectator.co.uk
In grammar a supine is a form of verbal noun used in some languages. In Latin: See also Latin conjugation | Supine are two supines, I (first)
Kaynak: Supine
The supine position. (icon | ˈ | s | uː | p | aɪ | n is a position of the body : lying down with the face up, as opposed to the prone
Kaynak: Supine position
Supine: The supine. Supine. The supine is the fourth principal part. It resembles a masculine noun of the fourth declension . Supines only occur
Kaynak: Latin conjugation
Supine form: The supine (supinum) form is used in Swedish to form the composite past form of a verb. For verb groups 1-3 the supine is
Kaynak: Swedish grammar
The supine row (alternatively called the inverted row by some) is an exercise in weight training . the supine row also works the biceps
Kaynak: Supine row
A supine is a verbal noun in some languages. Supine may also refer to: Supine position of the body. Supine position of the forearm; see
Kaynak: Supine (disambiguation)
in the supine position . It is a frequent cause of low maternal blood pressure (hypotension ), which can in result in loss of
Kaynak: Aortocaval compression syndrome
A related measurement is Supine Abdominal Height (SAH), the abdominal height as measured in the supine position The SAH method is easier
Kaynak: Sagittal Abdominal Diameter
A Luge (icon | ˈ | l | uː | ʒ) is a small one- or two-person sled on which one sleds supine (face up) and feet-first. Steering is done
Kaynak: Luge
The Boston crab is a professional wrestling hold that typically starts with one wrestler lying supine on the mat, with the other wrestler
Kaynak: Boston crab
Orthostatic vital signs are a series of vital signs of a patient taken while the patient is wikt:supine | supine , then repeated sitting up
Kaynak: Orthostatic vital signs
Resupination generally means being upside-down, supine, facing upward The word is derived from the Latin. In a biological context, the
Kaynak: Resupination
In the Trendelenburg position the body is laid flat on the back (supine position ) with the feet higher than the head by 15-30 degrees,
Kaynak: Trendelenburg position
Swimming at the 1964 Summer Paralympics - Men's 25 metre freestyle supine complete class 1 Roy Fowler | AUS | 1964 Summer Vincent
Kaynak: Swimming at the 1964 Summer Paralympics
The bridge is a grappling move performed from a supine position , lying down face-up. It involves lifting the pelvis off the ground so
Kaynak: Bridge (grappling)

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