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surety ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

surety anlamı
1) kefil
2) güvence
3) garanti
4) garantör
5) kesinlik
6) engellemek
7) teminât

"surety" için örnek kullanımlar

He also required an independent surety, with a substantial cash lodgment.
Aynı zamanda önemli bir nakit para yatırma ile, bağımsız bir kefalet gereklidir.
Kaynak: herald.ie
Arsenal are surely going to struggle without Wilshere's surety on the ball.
Arsenal kesinlikle topa Wilshere kullanıcısının kefalet olmadan mücadele etmeye gidiyoruz.
Kaynak: live.independent.co.uk
It was also represented that a surety bond protected the investment.
Aynı zamanda bir kefalet yatırım koruduğunu temsil edildi.
Kaynak: jg-tc.com
There is a surety in this that allows for risk, for experimentation.
Deney için, risk sağlayan bu bir kefalet vardır.
Kaynak: manchesterjournal.com
A surety, surety bond or guaranty, in finance, is a promise by one party to assume responsibility for the debt obligation of a borrower
Kaynak: Surety
A surety bond or surety is a promise to pay one party (the obligee) a certain amount if a second party (the principal) fails to meet some
Kaynak: Surety bond
If a bondsman is used and a surety bond has been obtained, the fee for that bond is the fee for the insurance policy purchased and is
Kaynak: Bail
Barons – surety for the enforcement of Magna Carta! Bishops – witnessess! Abbots – witnessess | 1 William d'Aubigny, Lord of Belvoir
Kaynak: Magna Carta
A performance bond is a surety bond issued by an insurance company or a bank to guarantee satisfactory completion of a project by a
Kaynak: Performance bond
Sûreté (French for "surety" but is usually translated as "safety" or "security) is a term used in French speaking countries or regions in
Kaynak: Sûreté
A bid bond is issued as part of a bidding process by the surety to the project owner, to guarantee that the winning bidder will undertake
Kaynak: Bid bond
A supersedeas bond, also known as a defendant's appeal bond, is a type of surety bond that a court requires from an appellant who wants
Kaynak: Supersedeas bond
William Hardell was a Mayor of London and a Magna Carta surety. He was appointed Sheriff of the City of London in 1207 and elected Mayor
Kaynak: William Hardell
A parole bond is a deposit of money or property made to the government as surety that a paroled prisoner will not violate the terms of his
Kaynak: Parole bond

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