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symbolic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

symbolic anlamı
1) sembolik
2) simgesel

"symbolic" için örnek kullanımlar

It is symbolic that Sunday's match was the 100th in Bobrovsky's career.
Bu Pazar günkü maç Bobrovsky kariyerinde 100. olduğunu sembolik.
Kaynak: rbth.ru
Publishers might be rejoicing at the symbolic defeat of RSS feeds.
Yayıncılar RSS beslemeleri sembolik yenilgi sevindirici olabilir.
Kaynak: engadget.com
Obviously there is something very symbolic in his choice of name.
Açıkçası adı onun seçiminde çok sembolik bir şey var.
Kaynak: independent.ie
In fact, Mosby later said, it was symbolic of the end of an era.
Aslında, Mosby sonra dedi, bu bir dönemin sonu sembolik oldu.
Kaynak: kansascity.com
Mathematical logic (also symbolic logic, formal logic, or, less frequently, modern logic ) is a subfield of mathematics with close
Kaynak: Mathematical logic
Currently popular approaches include statistical methods , computational intelligence and traditional symbolic AI . There are an enormous
Kaynak: Artificial intelligence
In computing , a symbolic link (also symlink or soft link) is a special type of file that contains a reference to another file or directory
Kaynak: Symbolic link
In mathematics and computer science , computer algebra, also called symbolic computation or algebraic computation is a scientific area
Kaynak: Symbolic computation
Symbolic action: File:Red Ribbon. svg | Wearing a red ribbon is a symbolic action that communicates support for AIDS awareness and people
Kaynak: Symbol
Thus, they wrote in a very metaphorical and suggestive manner, endowing particular images or objects with symbolic meaning. Jean Moréas
Kaynak: Symbolism (arts)
Symbolism is the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character A symbol is an
Kaynak: Symbolism
The symbolic use of colour to denote the Classical Elements or Mahabhuta and letters and bija syllables from sacred alphabetic scripts
Kaynak: Iconography
In the fields of anthropology , sociology , and psychology , symbolic system refers to a system of interconnected symbol ic meanings.
Kaynak: Symbolic system
In mathematics , symbolic dynamics is the practice of modeling a topological or smooth dynamical system by a discrete space consisting of
Kaynak: Symbolic dynamics
Symbolic Racism (modern-symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice) is a theorized set of beliefs in which the subject covertly or unconsciously
Kaynak: Symbolic racism
In sociology and anthropology , symbolic capital can be referred to as the resources available to an individual on the basis of honor,
Kaynak: Symbolic capital
Symbolic notation: There are several ways by which Unix permissions are represented. The most common form is symbolic notation as shown by
Kaynak: Filesystem permissions

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