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teacher ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

teacher anlamı
1) öğretmen
2) hoca

"teacher" için örnek kullanımlar

She's pretty cool and we use to share the same singing teacher back when.
O oldukça serin ve biz geri zaman aynı şarkı öğretmen paylaşmak için kullanın.
Kaynak: contactmusic.com
Or even a teacher struggling with a child with learning difficulties.
Hatta bir öğretmen öğrenme güçlüğü olan bir çocuk ile mücadele.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
Sheridan's teacher, Patricia Murphy, nodded approvingly as she listened to him.
Onu dinledi Sheridan öğretmeni Patricia Murphy, onaylayarak başını salladı.
Kaynak: mycentraljersey.com
Bergin, 34, was previously a history teacher before marrying her husband, Bill.
Bergin, 34, daha önce kocası Bill evlenmeden önce bir tarih öğretmeni oldu.
Kaynak: billingsgazette.com
A teacher or schoolteacher is a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults). The role of teacher is often
Kaynak: Teacher
A professor is a scholarly teacher ; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. a teacher of high rank In much of the world,
Kaynak: Professor
In Judaism , a rabbi (icon | ˈ | r | æ | b | aɪ) is a teacher of Torah . This title derives from the Hebrew word. רַבִּי he | rabi ˈʁäbi
Kaynak: Rabbi
A head teacher or school principal (also known as headteacher headmaster, headmistress or the head, sometimes informally in Scots , the
Kaynak: Head teacher
Guru (Devanagari sa | गुरु) is a Sanskrit term for "teacher" or "master", especially in Indian religions . transmitted from teacher to student.
Kaynak: Guru
Teacher education refers to the policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teacher s with the knowledge , attitude s, behavior s
Kaynak: Teacher education
"chief" or "high priest) is a title for a Tibet an teacher of the Dharma . The name is similar to the Sanskrit term guru (see Tibetan
Kaynak: Lama
While instructional strategies are bound by the music teacher and the music curriculum in his or her area, many teachers rely heavily on
Kaynak: Music education
In Norway a Lektor is an academic rank, usually reached after three or five years of education, which enables a teacher to lecture at
Kaynak: Lecturer
In the Catholic Church the Magisterium is the teaching authority of the Church The magisterium (Latin: magister, "teacher") is the
Kaynak: Magisterium
range of costs, using a variety of methods The course itself acts as a teacher and has to choose a methodology, just as classroom teachers do.
Kaynak: Language education

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