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tearjerker ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

tearjerker anlamı
1) acıklı hikâye
2) acıklı film

"tearjerker" için örnek kullanımlar

The moment was a tearjerker and brought Jimmy's story national attention.
An bir acıklı ve Jimmy'nin hikayesini ulusal dikkat getirdi.
Kaynak: hlntv.com
It's hankies at the ready for the wartime tearjerker Goodnight Mr Tom.
Bu savaş acıklı geceler Bay Tom için hazır hankies bulunuyor.
Kaynak: dunstabletoday.co.uk
That makes for a tearjerker story, but it's useless when practice beckons after t
Bu bir acıklı bir hikaye için yapar, ama pratikte t sonra çağırmaktadır zaman işe yaramaz
Kaynak: al.com
"It will be a real tearjerker for me," Hendrie told Goal.com.
"Bu benim için gerçek bir acıklı olacak," Hendrie Goal.com söyledi.
Kaynak: goal.com
film producer Daniel O'Connor She appeared in the 1976 John Travolta - Diana Hyland tearjerker feature film The Boy in the Plastic Bubble .
Kaynak: Glynnis O'Connor
The hyper-sentimental tearjerker was featured in the 1928 talkie The Singing Fool . Sung by Al Jolson , the 1928 recording was a hit and
Kaynak: Sonny Boy (song)
Premiered to a mixed response by critics at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival , who noted it a "rather formulaic tearjerker with two
Kaynak: Girls' Night
career of child actor Renato Cestiè Furthermure, the film started a genre of melodramatic films known as "tearjerker movie" or "lacrima movie
Kaynak: The Last Snows of Spring
The film is part of the genre of Italian melodramatic films known as "tearjerker movies" or "lacrima movies It also is, together with The
Kaynak: White Horses of Summer

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