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teat ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

teat anlamı
1) meme ucu
2) emzik
3) meme başı
4) meme

"teat" için örnek kullanımlar

Next, they applied a sanitizing teat dip composed of iodine and emollients.
Sonra, onlar iyot ve yumuşatıcılar oluşan bir sanitizing meme başı daldırma uygulanır.
Kaynak: gainesville.com
In this sense, it is often called a teat, especially when referring to non-humans, and the medical term used to refer to it is papilla.
Kaynak: Nipple
1645), the witches' mark (not to be confused with a witches' teat ) indicated that an individual was a witch . The witches' mark and the
Kaynak: Witches' mark
A baby bottle is a bottle with a teat (also called a nipple in the US ) to drink directly from. It is typically used by infants and
Kaynak: Baby bottle

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