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tenon ne demek?

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"tenon" için örnek kullanımlar

The pieces, even assembled with the traditional mortise and tenon, are made to look aged.
Hatta geleneksel delik ve zıvana ile monte parçalar, yaş bakmak için yapılır.
Kaynak: lifestyle.inquirer.net
By Peter Donnelly, RSM Tenon.
Peter Donnelly, RSM Tenon By.
Kaynak: insidermedia.com
Chinese construction techniques principally relied upon the use of mortise and tenon and other joins, such as dovetails.
Esas delik ve zıvana kullanımı dayanıyordu ve diğer Çinli inşaat teknikleri gibi geçmeler gibi katılır.
Kaynak: artdaily.org
Accountancy firm RSM Tenon has hailed the success of its cost cutting strategy as it announced it had slashed its losses.
Muhasebe firması RSM Tenon bu onun kayıpları kesti duyurduktan olarak maliyet kesme stratejisinin başarısını memnuniyetle karşıladı.
Kaynak: manchestereveningnews.co.uk
Tenon may refer to: one of the two elements of a mortise and tenon joint. Tenon Group , a chartered accountancy company in the United
Kaynak: Tenon
The mortise and tenon joint has been used for thousands of years by woodworkers around the world to join pieces of wood , mainly when the
Kaynak: Mortise and tenon
Hammer-headed tenon joints are one method that can be used to join curved members of joinery components. The hammer-headed tenon is used to
Kaynak: Hammer-headed tenon
A bridle joint is a woodworking joint , similar to a mortise and tenon , in that a tenon is cut on the end of one member and a mortise is
Kaynak: Bridle joint
The Dowelmax is a loose tenon dowel ling jig manufactured by the O.M.S. Tool company in Canada . The manufacturer claims that the small
Kaynak: Dowelmax
The Domino is a loose mortise and tenon joining tool manufactured by the German company Festool . History and description: This tool, first
Kaynak: Domino joiner
Mortise and tenon , a woodworking joint. Ankle mortise, part of the distal tibia joining the talus bone to form an ankle joint
Kaynak: Mortise
Bridle joint (open tenon, open mortise and tenon, tongue and fork): A mortise and tenon joint where the through mortise is open on one
Kaynak: Woodworking joints
Peritenon (from Peri-:around, tenon:tendon) is the connective tissue sheath surrounding a tendon Inflammation of a peritenon is called "
Kaynak: Peritenon
carefully fitted and joined timbers with joints secured by large wooden pegs (larger versions of the mortise and tenon joints in furniture).
Kaynak: Timber framing
specialized woodworking machine used to cut square or rectangular holes in a piece of lumber , such as a mortise in a mortise and tenon joint.
Kaynak: Mortiser

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