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tidal ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

tidal anlamı
1) gelgit ile ilgili

"tidal" için örnek kullanımlar

Building such a tidal power plant is one thing but the upkeep another.
Böyle bir gelgit enerjisi santrali Bina bir şey ama bakım başka bir şeydir.
Kaynak: thisissouthwales.co.uk
"That ripple that had been so unimaginable had become a tidal wave," he said.
"Öylesine düşünülemez olmuştu Bu dalgalanma bir gelgit dalgası olmuştu," dedi.
Kaynak: nme.com
A tidal wave of bile will hit the Internet as soon as the decision is announced.
Karar açıklandığında olarak safra bir gelgit dalgası kısa sürede internet vuracaktır.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
We stop about 35 miles out and drift with the tidal current, the boat rocking gently.
Biz yaklaşık 35 kilometre dışında durdurmak ve gelgit akım, hafifçe sallanan tekne sürüklenmeye.
Kaynak: peninsulaclarion.com
As the Earth rotates, the magnitude and direction of the tidal force at any particular point on the Earth's surface change constantly;
Kaynak: Tide
Tidal power, also called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tide s into useful forms of power - mainly
Kaynak: Tidal power
The tidal force is a secondary effect of the force of gravity and is responsible for the tide s. It arises because the gravitational
Kaynak: Tidal force
A more comprehensive definition of an estuary is "a semi-enclosed body of water connected to the sea as far as the tidal limit or the salt
Kaynak: Estuary
A tidal river is a river , or more typically a stretch of a river, whose flow and level is influenced by tide s. An example of a tidal
Kaynak: Tidal river
A tidal island is a piece of land that is connected to the mainland by a natural or man-made causeway that is exposed at low tide and
Kaynak: Tidal island
A tidal stream generator, often referred to as a tidal energy converter (TEC) is a machine that extracts energy from moving masses of
Kaynak: Tidal stream generator
A tidal marsh is a type of marsh that is found along coast s and estuaries of which the flooding characteristics are determined by the
Kaynak: Tidal marsh
A galactic tide is a tidal force experienced by objects subject to the gravitational field of a galaxy such as the Milky Way .
Kaynak: Galactic tide
wave and tidal power projects are currently under development However, not a lot of public information is available about these projects.
Kaynak: Ocean power in New Zealand
Tidal acceleration is an effect of the tidal force s between an orbiting natural satellite (e.g. the Moon), and the primary planet that
Kaynak: Tidal acceleration

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