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tide ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

tide anlamı
1) gelgit
2) eğilim
3) met
4) met cezir
5) meyil
6) cereyan
7) akış
8) mevsim
1) akıntı ile yüzmek

"tide" için örnek kullanımlar

And it's funny when you talk to Tide fans about the basketball program.
Ve sen basketbol programı hakkında hayranlarını Tide konuşmak komik.
Kaynak: capstonereport.com
The Cardinals were able to do just that in the second half and turned the tide.
Kardinaller sadece bunu başardık ikinci yarısında ve gelgit döndü.
Kaynak: scores.espn.go.com
The tide began to turn in the second quarter, however.
Gelgit Ancak, ikinci çeyrekte dönmeye başladı.
Kaynak: lowellsun.com
Then, came the foul that really turned the tide.
Sonra, gerçekten gelgit döndü faul geldi.
Kaynak: waitingfornextyear.com
A tide mill is a water mill driven by tidal rise and fall. A dam with a sluice is created across a suitable tidal inlet, or a section
Kaynak: Tide mill
In areas where there is a significant difference between low tide and high tide , storm surges are particularly damaging when they occur at
Kaynak: Storm surge
Tidal power, also called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tide s into useful forms of power - mainly
Kaynak: Tidal power
The tidal force is a secondary effect of the force of gravity and is responsible for the tide s. It arises because the gravitational
Kaynak: Tidal force
Tide pools, or rock pools are rocky pools by ocean s that are filled with seawater . these pools exist as separate entities only at low tide .
Kaynak: Tide pool

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