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tighten ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

tighten anlamı
1) sıkmak
2) sıkıştırmak
3) germek
4) ciddileşmek
5) kasmak
6) sertleşmek
7) sıkışmak
8) kısmak
9) kasılmak

"tighten" için örnek kullanımlar

The Bayhawks would tighten up their defense in the second quarter, however.
Bayhawks Ancak, ikinci çeyrekte savunma kadar sıkın olacaktır.
Kaynak: akronsportsnow.com
But, he says, the US government has no choice but to tighten the reins.
Ama, diyor, ABD hükümetinin hiçbir seçim var ama dizginleri sıkın.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
England tighten grip on struggling New Zealand in Wellington Test.
İngiltere Wellington Test Yeni Zelanda mücadele üzerine kavrama sıkın.
Kaynak: gulftoday.ae
i liked boesch in detroit.he needs a change and to tighten up that swing a little.
i detroit.he yılında Boesch bir değişime ihtiyacı var sevdim ve biraz salıncak o kadar sıkın.
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
The keys can be used to re-tighten the canvas as it relaxes naturally over time. Tightening keys are commonly made in plastic or wood , and
Kaynak: Tightening key
Scalloway Castle was built from 1599 by Patrick Stewart, 2nd Earl of Orkney to tighten his grip on Shetland , Scotland . Its site in
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A sink wrench, also known as a basin wrench, is a plumbing tool used to tighten connections in deeply recessed places that are very hard
Kaynak: Sink wrench
Banking Ordinance are a set of laws passed by the Legislative Council of Hong Kong to tighten restrictions for opening up or licensing a
Kaynak: Banking Ordinance

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