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toast ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

toast anlamı
1) tost
2) kızarmış ekmek
3) kadeh kaldırma
4) şerefe içme
1) kadeh kaldırmak
2) kızartmak
3) kızarmak
4) ısıtmak
5) yanmak
6) şerefine içmek
7) sağlığına içmek

"toast" için örnek kullanımlar

Save the leftover lemon curd for another use or simply to spread on toast.
Başka bir kullanım için artık limon lor Kaydet veya sadece tost yaymak.
Kaynak: sfgate.com
Watch an exclusive video toast from the cast and creative team below!
Döküm ve aşağıda yaratıcı ekibi tarafından bir özel video tost izle!
Kaynak: broadwayworld.com
As if anyone there needed another reason to raise a glass and toast.
Herkes sanki bir bardak ve tost yükseltmek için başka bir neden var tabi.
Kaynak: cleveland.com
A toast is a ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of honor or goodwill. The term may be applied to the person or thing so
Kaynak: Toast (honor)
Toast (Tress MacNeille ) is a clueless teenager whose name comes from the idea that his brain is fried like toast . His name is also due
Kaynak: Histeria!
In software engineering , a toast is a small, informational window displayed by certain kinds of software , especially instant messaging
Kaynak: Toast (computing)
French toast, also known as eggy bread is a dish of bread soaked in beaten eggs and then fried. When French toast is served as a sweet dish
Kaynak: French toast
A loyal toast is a salute given to the head of state of the country in which a formal gathering is being given, or by expatriates of that
Kaynak: Loyal toast
Texas toast is a type of packaged bread (not sold toast ed as the name implies) which is sold sliced at double the typical thickness of
Kaynak: Texas toast
Melba toast is a dry, crisp and thinly sliced toast , often served with soup and salad or topped with either melted cheese or pâté .
Kaynak: Melba toast
Milk toast is a breakfast food consisting of toast ed bread in warm milk , typically with sugar and butter Salt, pepper, paprika,
Kaynak: Milk toast

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