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toboggan ne demek?

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"toboggan" için örnek kullanımlar

Some can be brought down by toboggan, loaded in ambulances and sent to WHCC.
Bazı kızak tarafından alaşağı ambulans yüklenen ve WHCC gönderilebilir.
Kaynak: piquenewsmagazine.com
France's Thomas Domenach finished his semifinal run on his back, riding a toboggan.
Fransa'nın Thomas Domenach bir kızak sürme, sırtında yarı final koşmak tamamladı.
Kaynak: sltrib.com
"There are no specific toboggan helmets so people don't think about it," said Sills.
"Hiçbir özel kızak kask yüzden insanlar bu konuda sanmıyorum," Denizlik dedi.
Kaynak: articles.chicagotribune.com
They have great sled hills, ice skating and toboggan rentals that are very reasonable.
Onlar büyük kızak tepeler, buz pateni ve çok makul kızak paketleri var.
Kaynak: wausaudailyherald.com
A toboggan is a simple sled which is a traditional form of transport used by the Innu and Cree of northern Canada. In modern times, it
Kaynak: Toboggan
sometimes have ear flaps, and may be topped with a pom-pom (this style of tuque is sometimes referred to as a bobble hat , toboggan or sherpa).
Kaynak: Beanie
The U.S. National Toboggan Championships is the only organized wooden toboggan race in the country and possibly the world. The toboggan
Kaynak: U.S. National Toboggan Championships
The Cresta toboggan does not have a steering or braking mechanism although the Cresta riders use rakes on their boots in addition to
Kaynak: Skeleton (sport)

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