The goal was high
tonnage catches each day in the war against invasive fish.
Hedefimiz, yüksek tonajlı invaziv balık karşı savaşta her gün yakalar oldu.
Kaynak: courierpress.comThe
tonnage imported exceeded exports for the first time since June.
Tonaj Haziran ayından bu yana ilk kez aşıldı ihracatta ithal.
Kaynak: cattlenetwork.comThe large size of the U2 pipe shows the potential to host a substantial
U2 boru büyüklüğü önemli bir tonaj barındırmak için potansiyel gösterir.
Kaynak: 4-traders.comCargo
tonnage fell 5.3 percent last year while capacity was down 3.1 percent from 2011.
Kapasitesi aşağı yüzde 3,1 2011 yılı iken Cargo tonaj geçen yıl yüzde 5,3 oranında düştü.
Kaynak: todayonline.comTonnage is a measure of the size or cargo carrying capacity of a ship . in modern maritime usage, "
tonnage" specifically refers to a
Kaynak: Tonnage Gross register
tonnage (GRT, grt, g.r.t.) a ship's total internal volume expressed in "register tons", one of which equals to a volume of
Kaynak: Gross register tonnageGross
tonnage (often abbreviated as GT, G.T. or gt) is a unitless index related to a ship's overall internal volume. Gross
tonnage is
Kaynak: Gross tonnageDeadweight
tonnage (also known as deadweight abbreviated to DWT, D.W.T., d.w.t., or dwt) is a measure of how much weight a ship is
Kaynak: Deadweight tonnageA ship's displacement or displacement
tonnage is the weight of the water that a ship displaces when it is floating; the term is defined
Kaynak: Displacement (ship)It estimated the
tonnage of a ship based on length and maximum beam . It is a volumetric measurement of cubic capacity and NOT of weight
Kaynak: Builder's Old MeasurementNet
tonnage (often abbreviated as NT, N.T. or nt) is a dimensionless index calculated from the total moulded volume of the ship's cargo
Kaynak: Net tonnageNet register
tonnage (NRT, nrt, n.r.t.) is a ship's cargo volume capacity expressed in "register tons", one of which equals to a volume
Kaynak: Net register tonnageA
tonnage war is a military strategy aimed at merchant shipping. The premise is that an enemy has only a finite number of ship s, and a
Kaynak: Tonnage warA
tonnage monitor is a meter used on a stamping press to measure the force applied by the ram. In a press, the cutting and forming tools
Kaynak: Tonnage monitor