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torpedo ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

torpedo anlamı
1) torpido
2) torpil
3) torpilbalığı
4) patlayıcı kasası
1) torpillemek

"torpedo" için örnek kullanımlar

Be smart and strong, and don't torpedo your own efforts in the workplace.
Akıllı ve güçlü olun ve işyerinde kendi çabaları baltalamak istemiyorum.
Kaynak: ajc.com
They torpedo their careers and wreck their hospital and fail miserably.
Onlar kariyer torpido ve hastane batık ve sefil başarısız.
Kaynak: fempop.com
A bartender promises, upon inquiry, that the Torpedo "will take you on a journey."
Bir barmen Torpedo "bir yolculuğa götürecektir." Olduğunu, soruşturma üzerine, vaat
Kaynak: latimes.com
Down payment rule could torpedo housing industry, groups warn.
Konut sektörü torpido olabilir ödeme kuralı Down grupları uyarıyorlar.
Kaynak: thehill.com
The modern torpedo is a self-propelled weapon with an explosive warhead, launched above or below the water surface, propelled underwater
Kaynak: Torpedo
A torpedo tube is a device for launching torpedo es. There are two main types of torpedo tube: underwater tubes fitted to submarine s and
Kaynak: Torpedo tube
A torpedo boat is a relatively small and fast naval vessel designed to carry torpedo es into battle. explosive spar torpedo es, and later
Kaynak: Torpedo boat
A torpedo bomber is a bomber aircraft designed primarily to attack ships with aerial torpedo es, but which could also carry out
Kaynak: Torpedo bomber
The aerial torpedo, airborne torpedo or air-dropped torpedo is a naval weapon, the torpedo , designed to be dropped into water from an
Kaynak: Aerial torpedo
In the 19th century, mines were called torpedo es, a name probably conferred by Dennis Fletcher after the torpedo fish , which gives
Kaynak: Naval mine
The Mark 14 torpedo was the United States Navy 's standard submarine-launched anti-ship torpedo of World War II . electric torpedo in the
Kaynak: Mark 14 torpedo
The torpedo body style was a type of automobile body used from the early twentieth century until the mid-1930s, and which fell quickly into
Kaynak: Torpedo (car)
Torpedo is a genus of rays , commonly known as electric rays, torpedo rays, or torpedoes. It is the sole genus of the family
Kaynak: Torpedo (genus)
The standard U.S. destroyer -launched torpedo of World War II , the Mark 15 was very similar in design to the Mark 14 torpedo except that
Kaynak: Mark 15 torpedo
The Type 93 (designated for Imperial Japanese calendar year 2593) was a 61 | cm | in | abbr on diameter torpedo of the Imperial Japanese
Kaynak: Type 93 torpedo

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