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transatlantic ne demek?

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transatlantic anlamı
1) transatlantik

"transatlantic" için örnek kullanımlar

Currently, GEANT and ACE offer over 80 Gbps of transatlantic connectivity.
Transatlantik bağlantısı 80 Gbps üzerinde şu anda, GEANT ve ACE teklif.
Kaynak: informationweek.com
North Dakota oil helps win the business for transatlantic air travel.
Kuzey Dakota yağ transatlantik hava yolculuğu için iş kazanmak yardımcı olur.
Kaynak: dailyreckoning.com
Subsequently, he has made a Transatlantic return trip sooner than he thought.
Daha sonra, o düşündüğümüzden daha erken bir Transatlantik dönüş yapmıştır.
Kaynak: birminghampost.net
He is the CEO, chairman and 40% owner of TransAtlantic Petroleum.
O CEO, başkan ve TransAtlantic Petroleum% 40 sahibi.
Kaynak: moneymorning.com.au
Transatlantic is an adjective describing something that spans or crosses the Atlantic Ocean . transatlantic Transatlantic (or Trans-Atlantic
Kaynak: Transatlantic
Transatlantic crossings are passages of passengers and cargo across the Atlantic Ocean between the Americas and Europe . transatlantic
Kaynak: Transatlantic crossing
Transatlantic flight is the flight of an aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean . A transatlantic flight may proceed east-to-west,
Kaynak: Transatlantic flight
A transatlantic telegraph cable is an undersea cable running under the Atlantic Ocean used for telegraph communications. The first was
Kaynak: Transatlantic telegraph cable
The Atlantic slave trade or transatlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic Ocean from the 16th through to the 19th centuries.
Kaynak: Atlantic slave trade
A transatlantic telecommunications cable is a submarine communications cable running under the Atlantic Ocean . All modern cables use
Kaynak: Transatlantic communications cable
German–American relations are the transatlantic relations between Germany and the United States . Today, the United States is regarded
Kaynak: Germany–United States relations
The 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot was a terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives carried on board at least 10 airliner s travelling
Kaynak: 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot
Transatlantic cable may refer to: Transatlantic telegraph cable Transatlantic communications cable Other transatlantic submarine
Kaynak: Transatlantic cable

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