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transference ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

transference anlamı
1) transfer
2) nakil
3) devir
4) duyguların başkasına yönelmesi

"transference" için örnek kullanımlar

We also can use risk transference, capitation, selective network contracting.
Biz de risk aktarım, cizye, seçici ağ müteahhitlik kullanabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Ducky explained it was a classic case of emotional transference.
Ducky duygusal aktarımın klasik bir durum olduğunu açıkladı.
Kaynak: entertainment.gather.com
PPA declined from Bt133m in 3Q12 to Bt108m in 4Q12, due to lower condo transference.
PPA kınamak aktarım düşük kalması nedeniyle, 3Q12 yılında 4Q12 yılında Bt108m için Bt133m gerilemiştir.
Kaynak: nationmultimedia.com
Four wide 8mm heatpipes enable the high heat transference of the space saving cooler.
Dört geniş 8mm ısı borularının yer kaplayan soğutucu yüksek ısı aktarım sağlar.
Kaynak: cclonline.com
Transference is a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another. definition of transference is
Kaynak: Transference
Extension transference is the symbolic sub-division of a particular goal or purpose so that the sub-divided concepts seem fragmented from
Kaynak: Extension transference
to be a therapeutic relationship but 'from that point on, transference and counter-transference were looked upon as an inseparable couple..."
Kaynak: Countertransference
It may be described as "the practice of conscious dying", "transference of consciousness at the time of death", "mindstream transference
Kaynak: Phowa
H. Myers a founder of the Society for Psychical Research and has remained more popular than the earlier expression thought-transference
Kaynak: Telepathy
considered telepathic dreams (communications between individuals within an unconscious state) fit within the concepts of dream transference.
Kaynak: Dream telepathy
Pariṇāmanā is a Sanskrit term which may be rendered in English as "merit transference" though in common parlance it is rendered as "
Kaynak: Pariṇāmanā
Upanayana is the initiation ritual by which initiates are invested with a sacred thread, to symbolize the transference of spiritual
Kaynak: Upanayana
Apport (paranormal), the paranormal transference or appearance of an object. Apport (software), a crash reporter for Ubuntu operating system
Kaynak: Apport
According to parapsychologist s and ghost hunters , an apport is the paranormal transference of an article from one place to another, or an
Kaynak: Apport (paranormal)

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