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travelogue ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

travelogue anlamı
1) seyahatle ilgili konferans
2) seyahatle ilgili film

"travelogue" için örnek kullanımlar

I like that we show off this fantastical world almost like a travelogue.
Ben neredeyse bir seyahatname gibi bu fantastik dünyada göstermek gibi.
Kaynak: chron.com
Brown wrote the first published black novel, play, travelogue and song book.
Brown ilk yayınlanan siyah roman, oyun, gezi ve şarkı kitap yazdı.
Kaynak: kansascity.com
This nostalgic travelogue, a Filipino Buena Vista Social Club, play
Bu nostaljik gezi, bir Filipinli Buena Vista Social Club, oynamak
Kaynak: eastbayexpress.com
The film is elevated from travelogue to entertainment by Herzog's participation.
Filmin Herzog'un katılımıyla seyahatname adlı eğlence yükselir.
Kaynak: wearemoviegeeks.com
An individual work is sometimes called a travelogue or itinerary. Travel literature may be cross-cultural or transnational in focus, or
Kaynak: Travel literature
In the past, the genre was represented by television shows, such as Across the Seven Seas, showcasing travelogue s produced by third
Kaynak: Travel documentary
is a 13th-century travelogue written down by Rustichello da Pisa from stories told by Marco Polo , describing Polo's travels through Asia
Kaynak: The Travels of Marco Polo
Off the Map is a travelogue written by Hibikina Chickena and Kika Kat. It was originally a self-published zine and was later published
Kaynak: Off the Map (travelogue)
Great British Railway Journeys is a BBC history travelogue documentary television series presented by Michael Portillo The first series
Kaynak: Great British Railway Journeys

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