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troposphere ne demek?

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troposphere anlamı
1) troposfer

"troposphere" için örnek kullanımlar

The bluish clouds to the right are in the upper troposphere, or perhaps higher still, in the stratosphere.
Sağa mavimsi bulutlar stratosferde, yüksek hala belki üst troposferde, ya da.
Kaynak: dailygalaxy.com
In February and March, heavy winds create clouds of dust in Asian deserts and the Sahara that become lofted high into the free troposphere.
Şubat ve Mart aylarında şiddetli rüzgarlar serbest troposferin içine yüksek lofted haline Asya çölleri ve Sahra toz bulutları oluşturabilir.
Kaynak: futurity.org
These results highlight the importance of quantifying the number concentrations and properties of ice forming particles such as dust in the upper troposphere.
Bu sonuçlar üst troposferde toz gibi partikülleri buzlanma sayısı konsantrasyonları ve özellikleri miktarının önemini vurgulamak.
Kaynak: phys.org
Due to heavy winds early in the year in Asian deserts and the Sahara, enormous dust clouds are lifted into the troposphere and carried across the Pacific Ocean.
Asya çöller ve Sahra yılın başında şiddetli rüzgarlar nedeniyle, devasa toz bulutları troposfer içine kaldırdı ve Pasifik Okyanusu yapılmaktadır.
Kaynak: theconversation.edu.au
The troposphere is the lowest portion of Earth's atmosphere . of the troposphere is approximately 17 | km | abbr on in the middle latitudes.
Kaynak: Troposphere
Troposphere: Troposphere. The troposphere begins at the surface and extends to between 9 | km | ft | abbr on at the poles and 17 | km | ft |
Kaynak: Atmosphere of Earth
The tropopause is the boundary in the Earth's atmosphere between the troposphere and the stratosphere . Definition: Image:Earth Atmosphere.
Kaynak: Tropopause
is the second major layer of Earth's atmosphere , just above the troposphere , and below the mesosphere . It is stratified in temperature
Kaynak: Stratosphere
it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy Most weather phenomena occur in the troposphere just below the stratosphere .
Kaynak: Weather
Ozone (O 3) is a constituent of the troposphere (it is also an important constituent of some regions of the stratosphere commonly known
Kaynak: Tropospheric ozone
The energy released from a nuclear weapon detonated in the troposphere can be divided into four basic categories. Blast —40–50% of total
Kaynak: Effects of nuclear explosions
Tropospheric propagation describes electromagnetic propagation in relation to the troposphere . The service area from a television (TV) or
Kaynak: Tropospheric propagation
Microwave sounding unit temperature measurements have been obtained from the troposphere since 1979, when they were included within NOAA
Kaynak: MSU temperature measurements
Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer or TES is a satellite instrument designed to measure the state of the earth's troposphere .
Kaynak: Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
The African easterly jet, is a region of the lower troposphere over West Africa where the seasonal mean wind speed is maximum and easterly
Kaynak: African easterly jet
vapor in surface air varies from a trace in desert regions to about 4% over oceans Approximately 99.13% of it is contained in the troposphere .
Kaynak: Water vapor
Iberulites are a particular type of microspherulites (Figure 1) that develop in the atmosphere (troposphere ), finally falling to the
Kaynak: Iberulite
The Earth's atmosphere consists, from the ground up, of the troposphere (which includes the planetary boundary layer or peplosphere as
Kaynak: Atmosphere
Low-pressure systems form under areas of wind divergence which occur in upper levels of the troposphere . The formation process of a low-
Kaynak: Low-pressure area
Clouds in the troposphere have Latin names due to the popular adaptation of Luke Howard 's cloud categorization system, which began to
Kaynak: Cloud
From lowest to highest, the atmospheric layers are the troposphere , stratosphere , thermosphere and exosphere . Each layer has
Kaynak: Atmosphere of Jupiter
radio waves at particular frequencies are randomly scattered as they pass through the upper layers of the troposphere (hence troposcatter).
Kaynak: Tropospheric scatter

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