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truism ne demek?

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truism anlamı
1) herkesin bildiği gerçek
2) bilinen gerçek

"truism" için örnek kullanımlar

The accepted truism is that the team doesn't do free agency in a big way.
Kabul herkesin bildiği ekibi büyük bir şekilde ücretsiz ajans yapmaz olmasıdır.
Kaynak: behindthesteelcurtain.com
There's a truism that those who make the most noise have the least to say.
Çoğu gürültü yapanlar söylemek az olduğu herkesçe bilinen bir gerçektir var.
Kaynak: blogs.computerworld.com
It's become a truism: If you aren't paying for it, you are the product.
Bu herkesçe bilinen bir gerçektir haline geldi: bunun için ödeme değildir, size ürünüdür.
Kaynak: blogs.reuters.com
It is also pretty much a truism that bookies get back what they lose and more.
Bu hoş çok da gişeleri onlar kaybeder ve daha ne geri almak herkesçe bilinen bir gerçektir.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
A truism is a claim that is so obvious or self-evident as to be hardly worth mentioning, except as a reminder or as a rhetoric al or
Kaynak: Truism
Despite the truism that every human on this planet needs drinking water to survive and that water can contain many harmful constituents ,
Kaynak: Drinking water quality standards
not be true Some are stereotype s, but some are simply truism s and fact s Clichés often are employed for comic effect, typically in fiction.
Kaynak: Cliché
This particularly is in the case of surveys or questionnaires that employ truism s, such as: "It is better to give than to receive" or "
Kaynak: Acquiescence bias
It is the opposite of truism. A falsism is similar to, though not the same as, a fallacy . References : Category:Informal fallacies Category:
Kaynak: Falsism
Through overuse, an adage may become a cliché or truism , or be described as an "old saw." Adages coined in modernity are often given
Kaynak: Adage
The common consensus has been to follow Kurth, based on the historical truism that Romans hated kingship from the days of the expulsion of
Kaynak: Syagrius
The name is a parody of King Arthur 's round table reinforced by the truism that roleplaying aficionados often end up sitting round
Kaynak: Knights of the Dinner Table
As CH Waddington wrote in 1957, "It is of course a truism which has long been recognised that the development of any individual is
Kaynak: Genetic determinism
Trousseau-Lallemand bodies (an archaic synonym for Bence Jones cylinders ), and the truism, "use new drugs quickly, while they still work."
Kaynak: Armand Trousseau
He spent several years in prison before finally being acquitted, after which he organized the publication Luogo Comune (lit. truism in
Kaynak: Paolo Virno
It became a truism of San Francisco politics that, as long-time activist José Sarria had put it, "nobody ran for anything in San
Kaynak: Jim Foster (activist)
a truism or tautology . History of the song: Jacques de la Palice died in the battle of Pavia (1525), while fighting against the Spanish
Kaynak: The Song of la Palice

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