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tympanum ne demek?

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"tympanum" için örnek kullanımlar

In architecture, a tympanum (plural, tympana) is the semi-circular or triangular decorative wall surface over an entrance, bounded by a
Kaynak: Tympanum (architecture)
The tympanum is an external hearing structure in animals such as frog s, toad s, insects, and mammals, to name a few. Anurans: In frogs and
Kaynak: Tympanum (anatomy)
A tympanal organ is a hearing organ in insects , consisting of a membrane (tympanum ) stretched across a frame backed by an air sac and
Kaynak: Tympanal organ
The tympanum , or triangular area within the pediment, was often decorated with sculpture s and relief s demonstrating scenes of Greek and
Kaynak: Pediment
First attested in English in the late 19th century, the Italian word timpani derives from the Latin tympanum (pl. tympani), which is the
Kaynak: Timpani
In ancient Greece and Rome , the tympanum or tympanon (Greek τύμπανον), was a type of frame drum or tambourine . It was circular,
Kaynak: Tympanum (hand drum)
png | Chain of ossicles and their ligaments, seen from the front in a vertical, transverse section of the tympanum. Image:gray909.
Kaynak: Eardrum
The Southern Water Skink (Eulamprus tympanum) is a medium-sized (maximum snout-vent length c.100 mm) species of skink that is endemic to
Kaynak: Southern Water Skink
The opening of the portal may be arched, or may be set with a lintel supporting a tympanum, generally carved, but in Italy sometimes
Kaynak: Romanesque architecture
Trumeau, in architecture, is the central pillar or mullion supporting the tympanum of a large doorway, commonly found in medieval
Kaynak: Trumeau (architecture)
The caroticotympanic nerves are nerves which supply the eardrum ("tympanum") and carotid canal . See also : caroticotympanic arteries
Kaynak: Caroticotympanic nerves
Trumeau (architecture): a column supporting a tympanum of a doorway at its center. Trumeau mirror , a wall mirror originally manufactured in
Kaynak: Trumeau
Interpretation of the tympanum: Image:Abbaye Vezelay-tympan. jpg | Tympanum of the central portal of the façade of the basilica St. Madeleine
Kaynak: Abbey of la Madaleine, Vézelay
The Last Judgement Tympanum : The Last Judgement is believed to have been created around 1130 The tympanum was saved from potential ruin as
Kaynak: Autun Cathedral
Tympanum: The arrangement of the tympanum is based on the description of Christ that the Evangelist John makes in Revelation (Chapter 1.1
Kaynak: Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

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